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[Animals] Did you know ?: your pet also has a blood group

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Few people know that pets also have a blood group; We show you what they are and how you can identify your dog or cat.




Today pets have become an essential member of families. According to a study published this year by Kantar Ibope Media, 45% of those surveyed own one, among them, 73% have a dog and 52% have a cat. The vast majority of these people spend a large amount of money on health treatments for their faithful companion, even a good part of their budget is assigned to pay for school and toys for the canine or feline.

Given these statistics, it is possible to show that today human beings take responsibility and meticulously care for their pet, as it provides them with company, security and happiness. Taking into account the care that owners provide today, it is important to know that in the same way that human beings have a classification system in which the blood group can be A, B, AB or O and they can only receive blood transfusions from compatible donors, canines and felines have proteins in the membrane of their red blood cells that determine their blood group.

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Dog blood types
In the case of dogs, there is the DEA system (Dog Erithrocyte Antigen) and within this, eight blood groups: DEA 1.1, DEA 1.2, DEA 3, DEA 4, DEA 5, DEA 6, DEA 7 and DEA 8. They has proven that DEA 1.1 negative patients who receive blood from a DEA 1.1 positive donor may have severe immune reactions after transfusion. If your dog is DEA-1.1 antigen negative it means that he is a universal donor.

Cat blood types
On the other hand, in felines there is the AB system and within this three blood groups: A, B and AB, incredibly in this sense cats look a little more like human beings, not only because of the denomination of the blood group, but also because they can only receive blood from a donor who is exclusively from the same group, since fatal reactions can occur by transfusing less than 1 ml of incompatible blood.

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Before performing a transfusion, it is essential to ensure compatibility between donor and recipient to ensure that the recipient really benefits from the procedure. Today, there are tests on the market that in a few minutes allow you to determine the blood group of your animal, this test is performed only once and it does not matter how old the animal is.

Dr. Tatiana Rodriguez, product specialist of the veterinary unit of a leading company in comprehensive solutions for the health sector, indicates that “users who have pets should ask their trusted veterinarian about tests to find out the blood group to which your dog or cat belongs in order to avoid possible risks ”.

Finally, it is possible to affirm that previously knowing the blood group of your pet can save your life in an emergency situation. Consulting your veterinarian on an ongoing basis is the ideal solution to keep abreast of the health status of your faithful companion.


LINK: https://www.colombia.com/mascotas/noticias/sabias-que-tu-mascota-tambien-tiene-un-grupo-sanguineo-327944

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