oskar. SCH. Posted November 21, 2021 Posted November 21, 2021 ¤ Your Nickname: oskar ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198347098435/ ¤ Link of Hours you played on server (Click here😞https://www.gametracker.com/player/oskar/ ¤ Current rank: Administrator Reason : I am not asking to an upgrade to moderator or a higher rank. I actually here to ask if it`s possible to get only the cmd to change map, that`s all. The reason is cuz` i am playing alot in the night when usually it`s no one of admins online (especially those which can change the map) and when we are few ppl on server, after 00:00 it happens to play big or ugly maps. And players always complain about that. And i can`t do anything. If it`s possible, i would be thankfull. I want only to change the map when it needed, especially in the night. When the elders are online, i will let them do the job. I will not abuse and i will ask always players about what map they want to play. I don t ask only for my own use 🙂 Thank you, have a good one! oskar 1
NeO-, Posted November 25, 2021 Posted November 25, 2021 Hello, I added extra flags to your admin, so you can have the ability to change map. cmd: amx_startvote amx_votemap "maps" If the cmds don't work, contact me then pm. Upgrade to Moderator will need a lil more time, till we make sure that you deserve it(soon). T/C
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