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[Animals] "Animals will no longer be subjected to things"

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La mirada de un galgo.

The Government is processing a bill to stop dogs from being things. I see the news with a sound in the background: the barking of my neighbor's dogs, hunting dogs condemned to live in two square meters every day of the year, except those Sundays when they are taken to hunt, days in which the dogs , accustomed to not exercising, they return sore and with a fatigue that can be read in their eyes.


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I can't help wondering what will become of those dogs when they cease to be things: will you allow them to enter your house on cold winter nights? Will you take them out for walks at least weekly so that they can experience a glimmer of joy? daily their droppings, on top of which they sleep? Will they stop joining dogs with unsterilized ****** to take their puppies indiscriminately every four months?


I very much doubt that this will happen; For this reason, despite the good intentions of the law, I believe that we should go to the base of the matter, we should go further, carrying out educational programs of animal awareness, with the aim of understanding that the animals they use are not things , but they are living beings.


Link: https://www.elperiodico.com/es/entre-todos/participacion/animales-seran-considerados-cosas-12793466

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