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The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock delivered a piece of correspondence to the Legislative Assembly, containing a law on animal protection and expanding the punishments against those who mistreat them.

According to the Government, the Law for the Protection and Promotion of the Welfare of Companion Animals will serve to "watch over and protect the lives of animals" and create the Institute for Animal Welfare.

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, David Martínez, said that "this Law recognizes animals as living beings that feel, which guarantees the fulfillment of their rights."

He added that this instance "will be the governing body for the application of the new law."

According to the articles, the law involves the MAG, ministries of Health and Education, mayors, PNC, FGR, Higher Institute of Public Health, and the Veterinary Medical Profession Oversight Board.

Martínez was accompanied by deputies from the cyan bench who pledged to vote on the bill, which could take effect as of next year.


President Nayib Bukele announced on November 1 the presentation of this initiative by laying the first stone of a veterinary hospital built with the "profits" generated by the purchase of bitcoin.

He indicated that this hospital, which will also treat domestic animals abandoned on the streets, "is not built by the State," but rather a private company created by an autonomous state company.

He added that all the treatments will cost 25 cents, which must be paid through the government bitcoin wallet called Chivo Wallet to promote the use of the cryptoactive, which has been legally circulating in the Central American country since last September 7.


Link: https://www.contrapunto.com.sv/mag-propone-una-ley-de-proteccion-animal/



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