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[LifeStyle] A study reveals why you should reduce the consumption of red meat and eat more fruits and vegetables!

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صورة تعبيريةدراسة تكشف لماذا ينبغي تقليل استهلاك اللحوم الحمراء وتناول المزيد من الفاكهة والخضروات!


A new study finds that reducing consumption of red and processed meat and eating more fruits and vegetables can increase life expectancy by eight months.

It will also reduce deaths from heart disease, stroke and cancer, the researchers said.

Their recommendations are part of a report by the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society, which looked at how climate change measures could improve people's health now and in the long term.


"Preventing climate change will also improve our health, with the potential to reduce pressure on our overburdened health services - both now and for future generations," said Andy Haines, co-chair of the report and professor of environmental change and public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


The report brought together 11 leading experts to review evidence from a range of sources on the health impacts of initiatives to tackle climate change.

Andy added, "Our report provides many 'win-win' examples of actions that will have a positive impact on health and the climate. Sectors including transportation, food, construction and energy must take health into account when implementing climate action to take advantage of these dual benefits. Many measures, such as improving access to public transportation and energy-efficient housing, can help reduce health disparities.”


A healthy diet that includes less red and processed meat and more fruits and vegetables is expected to increase life expectancy by about eight months, according to the report, and reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions by about 17%.


The report was released ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2021, also known as COP26, which is scheduled to take place in Glasgow between October 31 and November 12, 2021.

The pivotal meeting is expected to set the course for climate action for the next decade.

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