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[Animals] SSPCA call for Dangerous Dogs Act to judge 'deeds not breeds'

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Doyle, American pit bull

Animal welfare campaigners have called for the Dangerous Dogs Act to be reviewed to prevent certain breeds being put down when they go into care.

The Scottish SPCA says the legislation takes no account of temperament or suitability for adoption.

As a result, it amounts to a death sentence for American pit bulls, Japanese Tosas, Dogo Argentinos and Fila Brasileiros.

The charity is calling for dogs to be judged according to "deeds not breeds".

On the 30th anniversary of the act coming into force it has launched a new petition which says dogs should only be euthanised if they have attacked someone.

'Heartbreaking for everyone'

Scottish SPCA chief superintendent Mike Flynn said: "While we fully support legislation to protect the public, we believe any breed of dog can be potentially out of control and dangerous in the wrong hands.

"We'd like to see a bigger focus on legislation that ensures responsible dog ownership rather than punishing individual dogs for the way they look if they haven't harmed anyone.

"At the very least, we'd like to see the law amended so banned breeds and types who come into our care can be rehomed."

'Devoted' owner loses court bid to save dog

Pit bulls 'should not be collateral damage'

Mr Flynn said the charity's teams often cared for these dogs for months or even years while waiting for court proceedings to conclude, only to have to put them to sleep as they could not be legally be adopted.

He added: "Often these dogs have great temperaments and no behavioural issues but still need to be euthanised when, if they were any other breed, they'd be off to a loving home. It's heartbreaking for everyone involved."

Since 2013 the charity said it has had to euthanise 24 pit bulls who have come into its care after being identified as a banned type.

'He adored every person and dog'

One, named Doyle, was cared for at the charity's Lanarkshire rescue centre for 58 days before being put to sleep in November 2018.

Animal care assistant Mica Sinforiani said: "He loved running around with his toys but most of all he loved getting attention from the team.

"He took everything in his stride and adored every person and dog he met while he was here.

"It was absolutely devastating to have cared for Doyle for all that time only to have to put him to sleep."

Ms Sinforiani believes Doyle would have done well in an adoptive home but that was not an option.

She added: "Every time a dog comes in to the centre who is deemed to be a pit bull it's the same story and it's so upsetting and distressing for the whole team."

The UK government has been approached for comment.

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