Jeenyuhs Posted August 10, 2021 Posted August 10, 2021 Mystery surfaces in every corner of the history of the Bermuda Triangle surrounded by myths and truths. We go through the great events of his history to find out what is true around his fame. The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mysterious places on the planet. Dozens of stories about the disappearance of ships and planes have reached our ears in various ways, always surrounded by mysteries and disappearances. The latest, last January, when the Florida Coast Guard announced in a statement that a vessel bound for Florida had disappeared after leaving the previous day from the Bahamas. After 84 hours of intense investigation, the search without a trace of the vessel and its crew was suspended. However, do we really know what the Bermuda Triangle is? What is legend and what is reality? Is it true that ships, planes and people disappear without a trace in that geographical area of the planet? We take a journey through the great events of its history to find out what is true about its mysterious fame. What is the Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is made up of 1.1 million and a half square kilometers offshore within an equilateral triangle (hence its name) that form the tips of the Bermuda Islands, Puerto Rico and Miami in Florida, United States. This imaginary triangle holds a secret within it: hundreds of ships have disappeared since this place is known, almost a hundred planes - that are known - and thousands of people. Are they all at the bottom of the sea? Have they gone to another dimension? Are they sunk with the lost city of Atlantis ? Probably not, but humans have always liked to add a bit of legend to phenomena that they have not been able to demonstrate. Context and first mentions of the "Devil's Triangle" A date that marks the beginning of this mystery: the year 1945. A crew of 5 United States Navy planes that flew over the area disappeared. Even a sixth aircraft disappeared , a Martin Mariner emergency plane that came to the rescue of the first five. In total, 27 people disappeared without a trace. In the last communication that was had with them, one of its members assured that they were completely lost and did not know what direction to take. Afterwards, nothing. The first news written about this mystery dates from the year 1950, written from the pen of the tabloid journalist Edward Van Winkle Jones , who wrote in the Miami Herald newspaper about the strange disappearance of a large number of ships off the coast of the Bahamas. Two years later the writer George X. Sand joined this mystery , who assured that there were some mysterious marine disappearances in the area and later, in 1964, the fiction magazine Argosy Magazine published a complete article entitled "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle »in which he spoke of strange disappearances, paranormal phenomena and mysteries that made whoever navigated these waters automatically disappear. But why that place? Because it was - and is - a place of passage very frequented by ships and planes that travel from the American continent to Europe. Its strong winds and Gulf currents make both navigation and flights across the area faster. It is a kind of "shortcut" or "fast route" to travel to Europe. And as we already know, the greater the number of boats or planes that pass by, the greater the chances of something out of the ordinary happening. Legends of the Bermuda Triangle There are various theories, all unproven, that seek to explain the phenomenon that occurs in this area. These are some of the most surprising: A black hole While it is true that black holes exist and there is a whole theory developed by numerous scientists, including the famous Stephen Hawking, it is unlikely that there is one in that area. Why? For a black hole is a finite region of space in which the concentrated mass is so powerful that nothing escapes its control. In other words, if there were a black hole in the water - or in the sky - everything that passed through there would disappear without exception. This supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy hides behind dense clouds of dust and gas. With the combined power of a worldwide network of radio telescopes, astronomers hope to be able to peek into the heart of our galaxy and capture - for the first time - the limits of a black hole. When this network observes radio waves with a wavelength of 1 millimeter, its magnifying power is high enough to observe details at the borders of the black hole. The surface of the lost continent, Atlantis We know of this mythical city-continent thanks to the dialogues of Plato Timaeus and Critias , where the Atlanteans lost the sovereignty of the Earth at the hands of the Athenians, undoubtedly superior to them. This theory was followed by the psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) claiming that the Atlanteans had a highly developed technology consisting of "fire crystals" that literally sent rays and obtained energy. The experiment went so bad that their wonderful island ended up sunk and the power of these crystals, which would continue to be active today, interferes with the technological devices of ships and airplanes. There is only one original source that speaks of the city of Atlantis. In 400 BC, Plato describes this powerful civilization. The Atlantic were militarily very powerful, they had very sophisticated technological systems and were economically very rich. Sea monsters The Kraken is a sea monster of gigantic proportions that devours everything that is placed in front of it. He and others like him would inhabit the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, literally eating everything that is placed before their jaws. This myth could come from the sighting by sailors and pirates of giant squids of 14 and 15 meters in length that inhabit the deep waters of the high seas. The rest, legend. Ufo Another unlikely theory, the area is an alien station in which UFOs appropriate people to take them to their planets to study them. The most alarmist theories assure that aliens study us in order to know what our technology and our abilities are and then use them against us and invade us. The kindest say that aliens appropriate people in this seasonal zone in order to save humanity from the final great Holocaust. For tastes, colors. And what is the reality of the Bermuda Triangle? Science speaks Like the legends, the possible scientific theories are also many. Normally we tend to give a supernatural meaning what we cannot explain, but reality can also end with a good fictional story. These are some of the most likely theories. Human Errors Unfortunately human errors do happen. Many of the accidents that have taken place in these areas have to do with calculation errors, with technological failures typical of large devices or with poor decisions. It is something that can never be proven, simply because they occur in areas that are so extensive and far from the coasts, recovering remains is practically impossible. Meteorology Another of the possible theories goes through the weather. Typhoons, hurricanes and large storms that cause waves of hundreds of meters can easily be the cause of accidents of large vessels at sea and aircraft in the sky. Magnetic Variations and Electronic Fog There is a theory - perhaps half science half fiction - that speaks of an electronic fog. This concept was coined by Rob MacGregor and Bruce Gernon in their book The Fog . Both survivors of an eventful trip through the area, claimed that an electronic vortex in the middle of a thick fog collided with the wings of their plane. Due to this electronic fog, all the technological devices of the device –from the seventies– broke down, leaving the couple aimless and without vision. According to his own account, 75 minutes later they appeared in an area of Miami where it was impossible to be in such a short time. Fact, fiction? Maybe both, since the Bermuda Triangle is one of the two places on Earth where compasses point to true north. and not magnetic north, hence it is said that compasses break down in the Bermuda Triangle. There is data that this happened to Christopher Columbus himself on his journey to the new continent. As they passed through the area, on October 8, 1492, the compasses "broke down" and stopped marking the course. Columbus said nothing to his crew and that probably kept him from being thrown overboard at a point where they were already desperate to reach land. Blue holes The maritime subsoil of The Bahamas has blue holes. And what are blue holes? Well, caves that are thousands of years old that exist in the area and that create very strong currents that are capable of sending large tonnage ships adrift. They are very deep vertical caves. It is known that the deepest in the world, located in this area, is called the Sansha Yongle blue hole and is 300 meters deep. But these holes do not only exist here. There are also them in the Yucatan peninsula and in the Lighthouse reef of Belize, in Central America. Methane explosions A recent discovery, this year, in the waters of Norway, may provide a new theory regarding the Bermuda Triangle. In this area, in very deep craters - similar to blue holes - there would be large concentrations of methane gas . In the area of the Bahamas, the heat of the tropical waters and that of the ships themselves would cause this methane to explode, forming not only virulent ocean currents but also destroying ships and boats as if they were made of paper. The theories are many, from the most extravagant to the most scientific, but none of them solves this enigma, or perhaps a cluster of all. Even so, finally, reality prevails: there is nothing in this area of our planet that is of special relevance compared to other areas. But it is clear that for the human being the idea of something supernatural has always been more romantic because ... What would history be without mysteries?
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