luminox™- Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 Lung disease is a health problem that affects the respiratory organs. When exposed to lung disease, a person generally has difficulty breathing. Some of the most common types of lung diseases are asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, cancer, sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Launching Women's Health, there are several things that can increase a person's risk of developing lung disease. These include smoking, exposure to radon gas, exposure to asbestos, frequent exposure to air pollution, or being infected with germs (bacteria, viruses, and fungi). To note, here are some signs of lung disease that are often not realized: 1. Cough doesn't go away. Coughing is usually an indication that the respiratory tract is experiencing trouble. However, you must be vigilant if your cough doesn't go away or is chronic. Launching the American Lungs Association, coughing for more than eight weeks can be a symptom of lung disease. 2. Shortness of breath. In addition to a persistent cough, the characteristic of lung disease that is commonly felt by sufferers is shortness of breath. Sometimes, a person may become short of breath due to strenuous exercise or experience excessive stress. However, people with lung disease may experience shortness of breath or find it difficult to catch their breath when doing light activity. There are even sufferers who are constantly short of breath even when resting or are lying down. This condition can be a sign of lung disease such as asthma or COPD, especially in women. 3. Excessive sputum production. Mucus from the respiratory tract or phlegm is a fluid the body produces to defend itself against infection or irritation. When there is a bacterial, viral, fungal, or allergic source, the body immediately produces phlegm. However, you need to be vigilant if the excessive sputum production lasts more than one month. This condition can be a symptom of lung disease. Sometimes excessive phlegm production also makes people with lung disease have a hoarse voice. 4. Wheezing. Noise that comes out when the body is having trouble catching your breath or wheezing can be a sign of lung disease such as asthma. Wheezing occurs when the airways of the lungs are narrowed or blocked by something. 5. Coughing up blood. Signs of severe lung disease include coughing up blood. This condition is usually experienced by people with lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. The blood that comes out with this cough is usually bright red, brown, or mixed with mucus. 6. Chest pain. Chest pain isn't the only sign of heart disease. Sometimes, chest pain can also be a symptom of lung disease. This chest pain sometimes radiates to the shoulder, when a part of the lung organs becomes inflamed. Watch out for chest pain or shoulder pain that lasts more than a month. Especially if the pain gets worse when used to breathe or cough. Immediately consult a doctor if there are some of the symptoms of lung disease above. This health problem can be detected through a physical examination, CT-scan, and lung function tests.
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