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The common raven (Corvus corax), also known as the western raven or northern raven when discussing the raven at the subspecies level, is a large all-black passerine bird. Found across the Northern Hemisphere, it is the most widely distributed of all corvids. There are at least eight subspecies with little variation in appearance, although recent research has demonstrated significant genetic differences among po[CENSORED]tions from various regions. It is one of the two largest corvids, alongside the thick-billed raven, and is possibly the heaviest passerine bird; at maturity, the common raven averages 63 centimetres (25 inches) in length and 1.2 kilograms (2.6 pounds) in mass. Although their typical lifespan is considerably shorter, common ravens can live more than 23 years in the wild, which among passerines only is surpassed by a few Australian species such as the satin bowerbird and probably the lyrebirds. 




Here are 10 fascinating facts about ravens:



1. Ravens are one of the smartest animals.

When it comes to intelligence, these birds rate up there with chimpanzees and dolphins. In one logic test, the raven had to get a hanging piece of food by pulling up a bit of the string, anchoring it with its claw, and repeating until the food was in reach. Many ravens got the food on the first try, some within 30 seconds. In the wild, ravens have pushed rocks on people to keep them from climbing to their nests, stolen fish by pulling a fishermen’s line out of ice holes, and played dead beside a beaver carcass to scare other ravens away from a delicious feast.

If a raven knows another raven is watching it hide its food, it will pretend to put the food in one place while really hiding it in another. Since the other ravens are smart too, this only works sometimes.


2. Ravens can imitate human speech.


In captivity, ravens can learn to talk better than some parrots. They also mimic other noises, like car engines, toilets flushing, and animal and birdcalls. Ravens have been known to imitate wolves or foxes to attract them to carcasses that the raven isn’t capable of breaking open. When the wolf is done eating, the raven gets the leftovers.


3. Europeans often saw ravens as evil in disguise.

Many European cultures took one look at this large black bird with an intense gaze and thought it was evil in the flesh … er, feather. In France, people believed ravens were the souls of wicked priests, while crows were wicked nuns. In Germany, ravens were the incarnation of damned souls or sometimes Satan himself. In Sweden, ravens that croaked at night were thought to be the souls of murdered people who didn’t have proper Christian burials. And in Denmark, people believed that night ravens were exorcized spirits, and you’d better not look up at them in case there was a hole in the bird’s wing, because you might look through the hole and turn into a raven yourself.


4. Ravens have been featured in many myths.

Cultures from Tibet to Greece have seen the raven as a messenger for the gods. Celtic goddesses of warfare often took the form of ravens during battles. The Viking god, Odin, had two ravens, Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory), which flew around the world every day and reported back to Odin every night about what they saw. The Chinese said ravens caused bad weather in the forests to warn people that the gods were going to pass by. And some Native American tribes worshipped the raven as a deity in and of itself. Called simply Raven, he is described as a sly trickster who is involved in the creation of the world.


5. Ravens are extremely playful.


The Native Americans weren’t far off about the raven’s mischievous nature. They have been observed in Alaska and Canada using snow-covered roofs as slides. In Maine, they have been seen rolling down snowy hills. They often play keep-away with other animals like wolves, otters, and dogs. Ravens even make toys—a rare animal behavior—by using sticks, pinecones, golf balls, or rocks to play with each other or by themselves. And sometimes they just taunt or mock other creatures because it’s funny.


6. Ravens do weird things with ants.

They lie in anthills and roll around so the ants swarm on them, or they chew the ants up and rub their guts on their feathers. The scientific name for this is called “anting.” Songbirds, crows, and jays do it too. The behavior is not well understood; theories range from the ants acting as an insecticide and fungicide for the bird to ant secretion soothing a molting bird’s skin to the whole performance being a mild addiction. One thing seems clear, though: anting feels great if you’re a bird.


7. Ravens use “hand” gestures.

It turns out that ravens make “very sophisticated nonvocal signals,” according to researchers. In other words, they gesture to communicate. A study in Austria found that ravens point with their beaks to indicate an object to another bird, just as we do with our fingers. They also hold up an object to get another bird’s attention. This is the first time researchers have observed naturally occurring gestures in any animal other than primates.


8. Ravens are adaptable.

Evolutionarily speaking, the deck is stacked in the raven’s favor. They can live in a variety of habitats, from snow to desert to mountains to forests. They are scavengers with a huge diet that includes fish, meat, seeds, fruit, carrion, and garbage. They are not above tricking animals out of their food—one raven will distract the other animal, for example, and the other will steal its food. They have few predators and live a long time: 17 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity.


9. Ravens show empathy for each other.

Despite their mischievous nature, ravens seem capable of feeling empathy. When a raven’s friend loses in a fight, they will seem to console the losing bird. They also remember birds they like and will respond in a friendly way to certain birds for at least three years after seeing them. (They also respond negatively to enemies and suspiciously to strange ravens.) Although a flock of ravens is called an “unkindness,” the birds appear to be anything but.


10. Ravens roam around in teenage gangs.

Ravens mate for life and live in pairs in a fixed territory. When their children reach adolescence, they leave home and join gangs, like every human mother’s worst nightmare. These flocks of young birds live and eat together until they mate and pair off. Interestingly, living among teenagers seems to be stressful for the raven. Scientists have found higher levels of stress hormones in teenage raven droppings than in the droppings of mated adults. It’s never easy being a teenage rebel.



The RAVEN Spirit;



When a Raven totem has flown into your life, it signifies that magic is at play. Raven ignites the energies of magic allowing it to become one with our intentions and will. Great changes can be achieved at this time and dreams can become a reality. The Raven will show you how to walk into the dark corners of your inner conflicts buried deep within, opening the doors to the deepest power of healing to be within our grasp.

The Raven is a member of the same family as the crow and the magpie, known as the Corvids family. While they are considered different species, the only real difference is that the Raven is considerably larger than the crow. Since the Raven and the crow are so similar, it is encouraged to also read The Crow Spirit Animal. Although they are quite similar, there are meanings that are unique to the Raven.


Raven Meaning

The raven animal totem is sometimes called the “Keeper of Secrets” and like all birds is a messenger between the heavens and the earth. The raven encourages us to dive deeper and to look within to seek the answers to put in motion the much-needed change. Often times these messages may be difficult, but soaring over hurdles and obstacles is how we grow most. Here are a few common meanings for this power animal.


=> Introspection

=> courage

=> self-knowledge

=> magic

=> healing

=> creation

=> rebirth and renewal

=> rebirth without fear

=> being able to tear down and rebuild

=> master magician

=> shape shifter

=> mysticism

=> transformation of difficulties into blessings

=> being able to find light within the darkness

 => Courage for self-reflection

=> Being comfortable with yourself

=> Connecting with the crone

=> Omens

=> Playful aspects

=> Stir life without fear

=> Sexuality

=> Honoring ancestors

=> Divination

=> Change in consciousness

=> New occurrences

=> Eloquence

=> Power of thought





When Raven Flies Into Your Life

Raven is assuring you of the impeding change. He brings with him the ability to bend time and space for the perfect moment at the right time. He signifies rebirth, renewal, reflection and healing. He helps the transitions and transformations move along smoothly by casting light into the darkness.

When the Raven enters into your life, human and animal spirits intermingle. It is in the blackness that the Raven symbolizes that everything mingles until it is brought forth into the light. The Raven can help facilitate this moving into the light as well as shape shifting your life or your being.



When Raven Enters Your Dreams

When raven enters your dreams, expect changes in your life. It can symbolize the ending of a harmful habit or phase in your life. If you see a raven eating away at carrion or stealing food from others, this can symbolize that someone in your life may be taking advantage of your bad luck or an unfortunate event in your life. Raven is a guardian and a keeper of secrets. When he is in your dreams, take note and examine your fears. Working with raven will help you discover and slay your inner demons. If he is silent and still while looking at you, he is working his magic. If he creates a loud raucous, he is trying to desperately get your attention and have you take heed. There is an important lesson that you need to remember or your missing an important clue to the puzzle. If he is flying through the sky playfully, he is letting you know it is time to hold on because everything is going to accelerate quickly. Magic is present.

In some instances, a raven can symbolize a death or an end. This is typically seen as feeding on a carrion or the preening of feathers which symbolizes rebirth.


Things to Consider

The raven has an abundance of folklore surrounding his history. Some positive, some negative. Some have said he brings omens, bad tidings and even signifies impending death. If the collective believes these meanings, then it essentially transforms it to be so. In some cases these omens could be true. It is up to you to decide and perceive the feelings you pick up on with each encounter and circumstance.

Raven brings us to a higher awareness of our inner workings, our conscious and unconsciousness. He is a silent observer of his environment. An important lesson you may want to take the time to practice. Observe yourself, your environment and the people around you. The raven is persistent and will find a way to untangle the knots woven in a lifetime so that inner truths may be revealed.



To be frank this one is my favorite!


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