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Today we are going to focus on that to eat well it is not essential to spend more. Inexpensive but also very healthy menus may be offered at home.


Today we are going to focus on that to eat well it is not essential to spend more. It is possible that inexpensive menus are offered at home, but also very healthy, tasty and healthy.

Keep in mind that our diet reflects the self-love that we have for ourselves, so we cannot afford to cause ourselves harm, it is the responsibility of each one of us to ensure that we are nourished and those who run the home make sure that the best food is stored at home In order to promote good eating habits in children, we must prevent them from becoming malnourished adults and following bad habits from generation to generation. It is time to have a healthy body as a personal goal, meeting our nutritional requirements on a daily basis.

If your resources are limited, it is good to review your own or family expenses and the family economy so as not to decrease in food, since it is a long-term investment, since hospital costs due to an illness are much higher.

One of the basic pillars of having a healthy diet is having an organized pantry and healthy basic foods.

When I talk about the pantry, I mean those spaces in the kitchen where we can store food and it consists of the shelves or an assigned cupboard, refrigerator and freezer, that is, everything that allows us to store perishable and non-perishable food.

Assuming that food is a primary expense and good management can have a favorable impact on the economy in the future, I share what are the key elements to make the most of it and be able to improvise in a healthy way when necessary.

  1. Plan the food, keep it in writing, only then will we know the food we really need when shopping. When it is not planned, we tend to resort to improvisation, running the risk of buying ultra-processed foods that are harmful to our health. Doing a weekly meal planning and developing a healthy shopping list also serves two purposes: not to buy in excess to avoid wasting food, to avoid contagion by leaving more than the house account only when it is essential.
  2. Buy fruits and vegetables that are in season. In addition to being cheaper, they are at their best both sensory and nutritional. Fruits and vegetables out of season, in addition to being more expensive, are less respectful with the environment, because they are produced thousands of kilometers from where they are consumed or their production methods require more energy expenditure.
  3. Legumes such as dry grains cannot be absent, they are excellent non-perishable foods that provide us with protein of vegetable origin at a very low cost, so we should not worry about if the meats are out of the freezer, if they happen we can make delicious meatballs based on grains such as chickpeas, black beans or lentils. That is, we can create vegetable meat in our homes or offer them in the form of stew.
  4. Knowing how to use spices and condiments will provide us with healthy and tasty dishes at the same time. We must take advantage of and combine them to avoid abusing salt in our preparations. They also have key properties such as hot spices, they speed up digestion and help to consume calories. We can use turmeric, paprika, cayenne pepper, sage, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, oregano, and nutmeg.
  5. They should consume fats in moderation so they will save if they avoid refined oils. Choose healthy oils like olive, walnut or avocado, among others. In addition to the oils, the avocado contains healthy fats. Avoid buying oils that are not extra virgin or margarines because of their high content of trans fats that are harmful to your body.
  6. Buy products with different frequency and variety, at least 3 types of fruit and 5 types of non-starchy vegetables a week eg: celery, tomato, radish, cucumber, spinach.

With a prepared pantry, you will have quick options without leaving the healthy. These strategies allow you to save money, because you will avoid ordering at home, or buying prepared food that ends up being more expensive for your pocket, but above all you will be a person more aware of how you eat, and you will gain health for both you and your family.

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