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[lifestyle]Important, Fiber Intake During Diet Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Doing a diet during the Covid-19 pandemic should not be arbitrary. Lack of fiber can cause inflammation, and decreased body immunity.

In fact, the body's immunity is one of the most important things in preventing the transmission of Covid-19, as well as other dangerous diseases, such as cardiovascular risk, hypertension and diabetes.


A nutrition specialist, Dr. Cindiawaty Josito Pudjiadi, MARS, SpGK revealed that the largest source of fiber comes from the fiber content in vegetables and fruits.

Not only fiber, vegetables and fruits also contain lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for maintaining the body's immune system.

"We still need to eat vegetables and fruits. Don't just because of the wrong diet, our immune system decreases."


That was the explanation of Cindiawaty in a virtual event with Kalbe Farma through the Zoom application, Tuesday (9/3/2021). According to him, the diet focuses on reducing fat, not muscle. Because the accumulation of fat, especially saturated fat, will increase inflammation which is at risk of disease. "The need for protein or carbohydrates usually depends on the conditions of each individual. It can be different," he said. "But if the need for fiber as much as possible, it must be reproduced," he added. In addition to preventing a decline in the immune system during a pandemic, consuming lots of fiber is also useful for preventing intestinal "perforation", and activating probiotics as good bacteria in the gut.


Cindiawaty recommends that we consume 25-30 grams of fiber or about 5-7 fists of fruit and vegetables every day for optimal health. Furthermore, he said, if there are people who wish to keep on dieting during a pandemic, they should immediately consult a doctor or nutritionist.

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