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[Sport]Sports management proposal for the improvement and development of football in a University institution

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This work is based on the application of a management model that enhances both the football and personal training of our athletes within our institution (Metropolitan University), working under the same philosophy, through an adequate methodological progression and elaborated strategy, all supported on the credibility of enthusiasm, future orientation, authenticity and competence.


The present work is based on the application of a management model that enhances both the soccer and personal training of our athletes within our institution, the Metropolitan University, working under the same soccer philosophy through an adequate methodological progression and Elaborate strategy, all based on the credibility of enthusiasm, future orientation, authenticity and competence.


As part of physical and sports activity, soccer is one of the best known and most practiced sports in the world. The dynamism of its game and the few demands in material order for its execution, mean that only a ball and a ground with sufficient dimensions is needed, which allows a low economic cost and peculiarities that have made it po[CENSORED]r everywhere.

When the athlete joins a football team at a university, we are also incorporating him into an educational and social context. This means that not only do they acquire technical and tactical learning, or improve their physical condition in this sport, they also soak up attitudes, behaviors and values, all based on the credibility of enthusiasm, future orientation, authenticity and competence, which which translates into actions for good sports management.


Structure of the sports-recreational strategy to contribute to an adequate sports management and development of football in the Institution (Metropolitan University)


 Problem Statement

 What is the best way to develop a management proposal for the managerial component that results in an improvement in the planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the development of soccer in the institution?

The implementation of management instruments such as the action plan, the operational plan and the strategic plan are necessary to be able to establish the intervention route, propose specific goals and actions, and in this way determine the areas of improvement for the implementation of strategies. that guarantee the continuous improvement of football in an effective way and provide a panorama in which success and quality can be guaranteed.



Operative plan



Application of a management model that seeks to improve, develop and enhance soccer activities within the institution (Metropolitan University), increasing participation, motivation and general evolution to achieve a comprehensive training of the athlete, generating an efficient change and being able to transform the teaching-learning process in identity, pride and tradition within the institution

Achieve a high result of comprehensive quality and work philosophy, based on the football principles of the institution, based on values such as friendship and freedom receiving benefits in a healthy way, reverting to the continuous search for progress;


Quality over quantity and

Specificity over generality


Strategic plan


Sport Goals / Strategies


Deepen the improvement of the sports management systems of the Institution (1)

Create the necessary motivation to achieve common effort in both football and personal training of our athletes (2)

Place special emphasis on the category of talent selection for training as future footballers through an adequate methodological progression (3)

Ensure that the selection of talents within the institution works under the same football philosophy (4)

Try that no player has to abandon the discipline of football (5)
Conceptualization of the scenario.
Preparation of participants
Values that are enhanced in the practice of soccer
Planning the intervention
Components of the strategy (See Balanced Scorecard)

Basic Investigation Modality



Methodology: Operational Model of activities in improvement and development


These activities within the training environment are Planning (what to do), Organization (how to do) integrating what the training environment is, Direction (how it is being done) and Control (how it was done) with regard to the organizational aspects as shown in the following figure.

The first two as a mechanical phase and the last two as a dynamic phase. The prevailing objective is to create a methodology of integral training, where fundamental and regulatory aspects are worked together at the same time and allows us to quantify / control workloads in a clear and reliable way, as we observe in the next scheme:


 Analysis and interpretation of results


The Administrative Process: It is a set of related activities that interact simultaneously or successively to generate favorable results in the management of companies. The first function of the administrative process is planning, which consists of defining the desired objectives and then establishing the resources and activities necessary to achieve them.

The second function of the administrative process is organization, through which all available resources are structured to support the proposed objectives. This structure must be accompanied by parameters that define the relationships between the parties and how to carry them out.

The Management Function - Execution is the third guiding, motivating and coordinating task by means of which the leader makes the members of the organization contribute to achieving the objectives through the assigned functions, always maintaining the principles of efficiency and effectiveness.

Control is the fourth function of the administrative process and consists of measuring performance in relation to goals, detecting deviations and proposing the corresponding corrections in the perspective of complying with the plans through different tools and indicators.


Given the necessary infrastructure and the characteristics of the sports training that is required, it is not recommended to do it through a massive enrollment of students (higher sale). It is proposed to do so through the institution's offer and through diversification with complementary services to the training activity itself.


Regarding productivity, an adequate management of the direct costs represented in the value of soccer registration, training material and salaries of the coaches is proposed. From the client's point of view, represented in this case by the students who live the preparation experience and the attendants who are the ones who have the purchasing power and therefore the enrollment decision, of course, influenced by the former; It is intended to satisfy them, retain them, acquire new registrants until capacity allows and generate profitability. We can see this in this infographic:

Work of

Interdisciplinary Team

Designed for its execution in soccer within the Institution

From this context and following the methodological progression and strategy developed, which will allow us to design our system and model based on what we call (M + R + P) or Training method based on the numerical reorganization by position, we proceed to apply it in weekly microcycles.

We can visualize this by implementing an adequate synergy between all the components that make up the training environment, for which a training guide is implemented as a model to follow in the weekly plans, as we can see in the following methodological scheme to follow :



* Sports Management for the improvement and development of soccer was analyzed at the Metropolitan University in the city of Caracas, a university educational institution in which both the pedagogical and sports training of soccer players is combined, this through the application of more effective, enhance their strengths and overcome their weaknesses to generate and maintain a competitive advantage based on a positioning and differentiation in the sports market.

* The implementation of management instruments such as the action plan, the operational plan and the strategic plan are necessary to be able to establish the intervention route, propose goals and specific actions.

* Therefore, carrying out the planning, execution, monitoring and continuous improvement processes allows to promote clarity in the purpose of the activities and provide a panorama in which the success and quality of sports activities can be guaranteed.

* This research proposal will allow to transform and strengthen directive management practices, based on better results for both, highlighting the importance of the use of new dynamics, work schemes and methodological tools and was the first step for significant transformations in the other steps.

Bibliographic review

Acosta, R. (1999) Direction and administration of sports organizations. Barcelona: Paidotribo.

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Reddin, B. (1997). The management style. Madrid: Deusto

Rendón Martínez, M. L., Ballesteros Díaz, B. (2013) Analysis of Strategic Management in the Antioquia Soccer League. VIREF.

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Pedro Alonso

Editorial board

Venezuela Soccer




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