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Noticias Monumental on Twitter: "Especialistas en nutrición piden mantener  alimentación variada y natural en aislamiento social  https://t.co/bI95iRLUtZ #NM935… https://t.co/5WOSLugN3y"

The beginning of the new year is the perfect opportunity to set new goals and healthy eating should be one of them.

Why? Because nutrition is the fundamental pillar for people's health, it helps to improve physical, mental and emotional state.

Also, the holiday season often leaves some effects on weight. For this reason “it is very important to take advantage of this time of enthusiasm to build healthy eating habits, since these are acquired through constant repetition. The most advisable thing is to set attainable goals weekly and monthly without restrictive diets ”, explains Adriana Brito, nutritionist at Pasteurizadora Quito.


Errors in diet
Generally, people usually start the year with unattainable diets, however, this is one of the most common mistakes that does not contribute to health.

The most important thing is to generate healthy habits that are maintained over time and become a lifestyle. “To achieve this, priority must be given to the consumption of foods rich in vitamins and proteins, such as dairy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts and low in saturated fat and sugar; always accompanied by daily physical activity to keep us healthy. In the same way, constant daily hydration is important and, of course, being informed about what we consume on a daily basis ”, says the specialist.

There are some basic guidelines to acquire good habits, which can be summarized in the following points:


Balanced, varied and complete diet
The daily menu should include all food groups to balance nutrients.

It is important to give priority to those of high biological value such as dairy products and proteins, since they provide energy and are key to the restoration of tissues; followed by vegetables, fruits, slow-absorbing carbohydrates that do not have any process such as tubers (potatoes and cassava) and cereals (rice and wheat).

The nutritionist recommends combining them so that all groups are included and delicious dishes are created.

One option is to combine fruits and dairy, which are the most important food groups. For example, making smoothies, blending a fruit with Vita Natural Yogurt and ice.

This mix raises the nutritional content even more since it is made with semi-skimmed milk, has no added sugar and is a great source of probiotics.


Maintain set times and proper portions
Each person must consider their age, physical condition, routine and work to prepare their daily menu.

While maintaining 5 meals a day is essential, the portion will depend on whether you are an adult who exerts physical effort or a child who maintains virtual classes.

Both the portions and the schedules must be adapted and established in a fixed way. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks should always be considered.

All foods play an important role and that is why a perfect balance must be achieved in the daily consumption of each one.

The menu should include animal proteins that should be consumed at least 8 ounces a day divided between dairy and meat, vegetables in servings of 2 to 3 cups a day, fruits in 3 units per day and cereals in average consumption 3 to 4 cups per day.

Taking into account its nutritional contribution:

  • High-quality proteins: They provide 8 grams of protein for each serving. As is the case with dairy or animal protein.
  • Legumes: An important source of proteins, fiber and carbohydrates. 1 cup provides 7 grams of protein.
  • Cereals and grains: Important source of carbohydrates or carbohydrates that favor energy and fiber, but have little protein.
  • Fats: Important source of energy. Vegetable oils and quality fats such as those found in dairy products should be preferred.
  • Fruits: An important source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibers and water, they also provide energy in the form of carbohydrates.


Include dairy in the menu
Each 240 ml cup of milk provides 8 grams of protein, being an easy, fast and economical option to keep the daily needs of vitamins and minerals (calcium, phosphorus and iron) covered; which act as immune protection factors and mediators of all body functions.

A cup of milk or yogurt is ideal or a slice of cheese to balance the nutrition. Even in the case of athletes, it is a great option to include a portion of milk that provides an extra 25% protein, 37% calcium and is also low-fat.


Chew food well
The rush to eat in small intervals of time can lead to believe that there are foods that can be chewed quickly.

However, doing it correctly will help better digestion and the nutrients are better assimilated by the intestine.


Constantly hydrate
Drinking enough fluids throughout the day is key, always between meals and to accompany them. You can opt for water, fruit nectars, oatmeal, smoothies with milk or yogurt.

When the habit has not yet been created, it can be difficult to do so, but there are options such as flavored milks that allow you to vary, also provides the benefits of milk.


Avoid sweets, desserts and fried foods
These products are made with high content of sugar and saturated fat. It is recommended to replace them with healthy foods.


Respect the moments of the meal
Avoiding television, cell phone or computer screens while eating is necessary for proper nutrition. This will help better awareness of food and digestion.

Also, remember that the last meal of the day should occur at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed.


Healthy preparations
It is preferable that the food is steamed, baked or grilled to remove excess fat, especially meat.

This also helps maintain the flavors to obtain a pleasant and nutritious dish.


Doing physical activity
Allow at least 30 minutes a day to perform cardiovascular and strength exercises to maintain good physical condition.


Benefits of healthy habits

  • They improve the health and body function completely.
  • They maintain active defenses against any bacterial and viral agent.
  • They prevent eating disorders such as obesity or being overweight, which can lead to other health problems.
  • In people with chronic diseases, they help to avoid acute complications, progression of chronic complications and disabilities.
  • It will not be a sacrifice, on the contrary, the right foods will be chosen according to each need.
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