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[Sport] Hard analysis of recognized sports psychologist by Colo Colo: Explains the mistake made by the club and gives the key to get out of the bad moment

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"I disagree a little with the mode of intervention that exists in Colo Colo," says expert Rodrigo Cauas, a psychologist who works with two Chilean soccer clubs.

"The same thing is happening to us in many games. We enter a desperation and nervousness that we cannot control, we begin to play differently. We do not control our emotions. It is a mental issue." With these words, Gustavo Quinteros, coach of Colo Colo, explained the Cacique's last defeat against La Serena, with which they sank even further in the table.

After these statements and in the midst of the terrible moment that the albos are living that has them in the relegation zone, Emol contacted the sports psychologist Rodrigo Cauas, who works in two Chilean soccer clubs, to explain how key the mental issue is in a team like Colo Colo. -How do psychological issues affect a player? "If we see that the players have a low level of confidence and a high level of anxiety, it is manifested in that they are less involved in the game, injuries begin to appear that did not happen before, there are more discussions between them in a match, more discussions towards the referee, internal fights. You start to observe a lot of behaviors that begin to intensify. Not so much in frequency, but they deepen. " -And that precisely seems to be happening in Colo Colo ... "Yes, exactly.




There are people who say that the Colo Colo theme is football, but I say that if you have a player who is not mentally willing, you you can do very good sports planning, but the player will not be able to assimilate it because he is not feeling well mentally. So, you have to work on the mental part to enhance football. -How do you work that? "There I disagree a little with the mode of intervention. Gustavo Quinteros says that they have called many people to do motivational talks. I think that, at this moment, does not help much. Because here we are living a very particular moment of a club , that no matter how many people who have had different stories come, they will never be the same as the club is experiencing. So it is not about bringing someone outside to tell me: 'I got ahead because of this, you have to put motivation 'What you have to do is work with a professional who can collect what is happening to each of the players and as a team, so that from that point on, work on it. Do not bring situations or experiences of other people who have gone through others. things in other circumstances.

-In what note that psychological problems are becoming evident in the Cacique? "You see that there are players who got involved much more and now they do it less, there are others who had the ability to lead and who are now being subtracted. One also notes that things are used that have to do with the external, such as calling to Jorge Valdivia for a motivational issue, and not so much with what we should work with the players ". -The thing about the rue in the Monumental can also serve as an example ... "Yes, the thing about the rue is due to a desperation to find resources that are not proven under any scientific circumstances. Many things are used, but the focus is diverted of the important thing, that is to work the head of the players ". -If the mentality does not improve, do you think it is very difficult for the club to reverse the bad moment? "It seems to me that if there is no active work in the mental part, it will be difficult for the group to raise, because it is not something of just a few games. We are talking about a very irregular tournament. There are situations that are being maintained and going deeper ".

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