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[Sport] A South American scorer and another were in the NBA Academy ... The Chilean promises in Argentine basketball

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A group of youths with self-confidence excite Chilean basketball. They have talent and have already crossed borders. Ignacio Arroyo became the first national to play in Spain's tough CBA, Sebastián Herrera shines in Germany and Nicolás Carvacho is now making his way in Bulgaria after breaking records in the NCAA. For others the stop has been Argentina. "Factory of stars" was the slogan that the trans-Andean National League hung after its team was runner-up in the world in 2019. It is one of the best tournaments in Latin America, imitated in several aspects, a hotbed that has known how to find its destiny to Europe and even to the NBA. Kevin Rubio The "Red" sub 17 broke history in 2017. She became the South American champion in the category, defeating Argentina in the final. One of the great figures was Kevin Rubio, the tournament's top gunner.

After passing through the Ourense of Spain, he ended up in Quimsa, in Santiago del Estero. "The most difficult thing was to catch the rhythm that takes place here in the Argentine league. The way of playing is much more tactical than in Chile. It has helped me to see basketball more professionally. You train a lot and hard. Another feeling. It's not a game, it's a job, more dedicated, "he tells Emol. The latest jewel of the Santiago del Estero cast is Gabriel Deck, who currently plays for Real Madrid and is getting ready to jump to the NBA. In the club they have faith in Rubio. A psychologist told him: "You can tell that you are a leader, but still of what kind." One of those who sees challenges instead of pressure, "he replied.




Although he has had minutes with the first team, the guard has spent most of his time in the Development League, signing very good numbers. Ignacio Berríos Between the ages of 10 and 14, Ignacio Berríos had to undergo surgery seven times on his knees. He started playing basketball only in 2016. Due to his physique, they took him to the "Plan de Altura" Foundation and they got him a test at Boca Juniors. Everything was fast.

He practically became a player in the xeneize quarry. Upon arrival I barely knew the basics. Remember it was tough in the beginning. He left his family and settled in a pension at the age of 15. Outside was an unknown world. He missed a lot and also suffered on the parquet. "When I started playing it was not so easy for me. At first it was difficult for me to catch the rhythm, insert myself into the squad. It frustrated me a lot. It was difficult for me to gain position, gain rebounds, the ball escaped me, I erred under the basket . I felt very sad, "says the intern.

Key to follow were his companions. "Play as in youth, there is no pressure," said the coach before making her professional debut in September last year. That is your great goal. Knock down the door and consolidate among the elders. "I am not a person to set goals so high. Sometimes I set very high goals, but things did not work out and I was frustrated. By starting late I was behind the others, I had to start late in the most basic things. What I like sports more. Not because I have seven operations and started playing late does it mean you can't. What I like the most is training. I always try to arrive a little earlier, to do something else to improve, "he says. Felipe Inyaco The last to join will be Felipe Inyaco. The native of Penco was a 3x3 South American champion and was on the team that went to the U18 World Cup. This year he was called up to the NBA Academy.

There were surveys of North America and Spain, but nothing materialized. Now he signed with Obras Sanitarias, a centennial club that stands out for giving the quarry a run. Álvaro Pimental was there recently, another Chilean who currently plays in college basketball in the United States. "The idea for a couple of years was to emigrate to continue developing. I feel like I'm ready now, I've had a long time out. Taking a leap in Chile is very difficult," says the point guard.

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