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CHILLICOTHE- As coronavirus cases rise across the state and in the community, local school districts have altered their plans to move forward with winter sports.

The new rules follow a meeting between the Ross County Health District and superintendents county-wide Tuesday morning, said Ross County Health Commissioner Garrett Guillozet.

While 7-12th grade sports will continue as scheduled, they will have the following restrictions: 

Masks are required to be worn if attending.
There will be home cheer squads only.
Pep bands will not be permitted.
No concessions permitted and spectators cannot bring in food or drink.
Each participant will receive two tickets for admittance with social distance seating required. No additional spectators will be permitted.
Zane Trace Superintendent Jerry Mowery defined the move as a "compromise," as the Ross County Health District asked for a shutdown of all school sports in K-12. 

"(The Health District) would prefer that we all take a hiatus on everything to see what's going on, but at the ground level where we are, each of us has our data and we all have to make decisions based on that data," said John Balzer, Superintendent of the Adena Local School System. 

Balzer said that the school system worked hard to provide kids the ability to compete at the school level, and at the same time slow the spread of the virus.

"In order to provide things in a safe manner to everybody, we have to make some adjustments, so we're waiting until the fourth of January, we'll take a look at it again and see how things are." 

Chillicothe's Cam Smith takes it to the rim during a home game last year. CHS will have to wait a bit longer for basketball to resume since all CHS sports are postponed until Jan. 5, 2021.
Chillicothe City Schools will take it a step further, ceasing all athletic competition until Jan. 5, said Superintendent Deborah Swinehart. 

“Unlike other local school districts, our teams often travel outside Ross County to compete. This puts our athletes and coaching staff at a greater risk of exposure and has the potential to further the spread of the virus across our communities.

“All official games and scrimmages will be postponed and rescheduled for a time when our teams can safely compete together. Practices and skills training in small groups will continue for current CCSD athletes, and our coaching staff will be strictly enforcing all screening and safety protocols, including temperature and symptom checks and increased sanitization of all athletic facilities" 
Chillicothe High School Basketball Coach Eric Huffer said that players found out around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.  "All of this is still news to me," said Huffer. "I’m heartbroken for our athletes and their parents, especially our seniors. But this is a time like we haven’t seen. I understand their decision and hope to get to play starting in January." 

Student-athletes in the county have tested positive in the past, resulting in the Health District quarantining whole teams, said Guillozet. "Cases are going up, but also we know that we have an increased strain on our local healthcare system," said the Health Commissioner. "We feel that we can make recommendations to do things as a community to do reduce that potential spread." 

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Guillozet said that the main goal of the health district is to keep kids in school and in as safe a learning environment as possible, and will take measures to reduce exposure in other ways such as postponing sports and extracurriculars and not allowing visitors in the building in a bid to increase chances of being able to keep kids in school. 

Finally, he stated that the Health District does not make recommendations lightly.

"We know this is a contentious issue," he said. "Our goal is to make recommendations that impact the community and keep people as safe as we can ... it's not us making these things up, we're using the data and community mitigation strategies to really protect us in the long run. Those decisions we make will impact our future come the middle of December and the end of the year."

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