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People often make the mistake of expecting other people to understand them without telling them how they feel. This is understandable because being honest about our feelings is not easy as a result, we begin to have difficulty expressing our emotions and intentions. To some extent, we even expect other people to read our minds and sometimes even get angry when they fail.

Difficulty communicating can cause more problems in our relationship. When we hope to be understood without saying what is on our mind, we are disappointed. Since we failed to say something, it might avoid this problem. We could possibly become distant, pretending nothing was wrong when something was up.

When things like this accumulate, we become too overwhelmed by the burdens we carry ourselves. It will be frustrating, and when it does, we will become too emotional to explain everything. When we can say everything calmly at the beginning. There is value in honesty. Just look how many proverbs were said and written about it. When we are honest, we are in control of our situations and our emotions. This will result in better communication and better relationships. Here are some ways to practice honesty in our lives.


  • Be honest with yourself.

Before even trying to be more honest with others, we should practice being honest with ourselves first. It's true when people say that no one knows you better than yourself. So, take a step back and check your emotions and intentions. By being honest with ourselves, we will know what to say and what to pay attention to.


  • Understand What Makes You Want to Lie.

When we talk to other people, it is not because of our intention to betray or hurt them. More often than not it disagrees, it's because we think it's the best way to avoid problems and arguments. What's complicated about this is that lies tend to lead to other lies. A bigger lie and you probably don't want that to happen. This can be said of hiding the truth or lies due to neglect.

All that has to be done is to understand why yourself is in the first place, and to judge yourself right in that thought is compulsion. If you put yourself in someone else's shoes, you will know that they prefer the truth and be hurt according to the belief that they were betrayed.


  • Be yourself.


Now that you understand the intention and truth behind your lie, you must begin to acknowledge who you really are. This may be a bitter pill to swallow, but you have to admit that in the process of creating your web of lies, you may develop behaviors that please people. Most of the time, this comes at the expense of your true personality.


  • Be wise.

someone once said Honesty without wisdom is cruelty. " More often than not, we hurt others with the truth because we said it the wrong way. This is why wisdom is important. This is why we need to think about our words. Ask yourself whether the words you chose were sensitive, accurate and could be spoken from a place full of love. You can always be right about what you say, but wrong in the way you say it. So think twice, maybe even thrice before you tell that person the risky truth. Honesty has its consequences, but it's always better to err on the side of kindness. Compassionate, not accusing. Be nice, but also be prepared to accept their reactions. Learning to communicate honestly starts with removing the notion that we will only hurt people with the truth





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