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[LifeStyle] Minerals, vitamins and other nutritional supplements, are they this year more necessary than ever?

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Jelly, vitamin D ... in these autumn days, who else who least considers resorting to these supplements to improve the health of our immune system. Even more so this year, in which the fear of the contagion of COVID-19 undoubtedly influences even more. We wonder if they are really necessary or is it enough if we eat a healthy diet and follow healthy lifestyles. “If our diet is healthy and balanced, in principle we would not need any food supplement to improve the health of our immune system. The problem is that with our current lifestyle, not too many people eat as they should, so they can be useful to supplement certain deficiencies in our diet. But improving our diet should be a priority ”, tells us Jorge Domínguez, researcher at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Radboud University Medical Center, in Nijmegen (Netherlands), who participated in the Immunoferon Observatory organized by Cantabria Labs.

And it is that, as Luz García Toro, pharmacist and communication manager at Arkopharma laboratories explains, the objective of supplementation is to supplement the diet when it is deficient. This means that, if the diet we follow gathers all the nutrients, and in the right proportions, we would not need supplementation. "Now, do we all follow that diet? A survey recently published by the OCU shows results that seem to confirm that this is not the case. Although almost half of those surveyed believe they have healthy eating habits, only 32% follow a healthy diet or very healthy, eating everything and in the right amounts. In this situation, it seems that it is advisable to help our immune system. Also, let's not forget that, in certain circumstances (pregnancy, excessive sport, smokers, etc ...) they require greater amounts of certain nutrients that if we do not provide them with the diet it would be advisable to supplement ”, the expert tells us.

suplemento vitamínico

This year, are they more necessary than ever?
Undoubtedly, one of the million-dollar questions is whether they are more recommendable this year, taking into account the pandemic we are experiencing. “In general, no more nor less than other years. As I have mentioned before, they help us to alleviate deficiencies that may exist in our diet and in our lifestyle. Perhaps in relation to a possible confinement, it would be desirable to increase the intake of vitamin D since reducing our exposure to sunlight for a long time can affect our levels of active vitamin D ”, the expert tells us. Of course, in the opinion of Luz García Toro, this year we must review our lifestyle more than ever and take more responsibility for self-care. “Eat a balanced diet, sleep well, eliminate stress, sports adapted to each person and healthy lifestyle habits. In addition, depending on individual characteristics, we can supplement our diet with vitamin and mineral supplements, royal jelly or even medicinal plants with specific action on the immune system, such as Echinacea. Not forgetting, probiotics. This year, more than ever, maintaining the organism's microbiota is essential to be more protected ”, he explains.

suplementos alimenticios

What factors influence the health of our immune system?
Undoubtedly, in a well-prepared immune system, we could say that internal and external factors influence. "On the one hand, genetic factors define the peculiarities of our immune response and to a great extent the differences between different individuals. On the other hand, external or environmental factors, in which we have great influence: a good diet, some exercise, habits healthy, not smoking, not drinking excessively, sleeping an adequate number of hours, maintaining good levels of hygiene, etc. All these measures are based on maintaining a balance of the system. And of course, keeping all vaccines up to date is essential This year, the flu vaccination campaign will be especially important to try to reduce the incidence of this disease in a health system and prevent flu and COVID-19 peaks from coinciding next autumn-winter ”, Jorge Domínguez tells us .


And what is clear is that our lifestyle plays a fundamental role. "Thus, a poor diet, stress, lack of rest, sedentary life, habits such as tobacco, etc ... weaken the immune system. All these factors can be modifiable, for example, to ensure the proper functioning of the immune system, we must follow a diet that provides three key nutrients in sufficient quantity: Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, peppers, strawberries, broccoli ..., Vitamin D, for this it is important to include dairy, oily fish, eggs ... and, finally, Zinc, a mineral present in meat, legumes, nuts and seeds, ”says Luz García Toro. “And, very important and increasingly studied, probiotics, that battalion of live bacteria with health benefits, including being in the body's first line of defense. We find it in yogurt and other fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir ... In addition, controlling stress, sleeping the right number of hours and avoiding toxic habits help to ensure proper functioning of immunity. Special mention should be made of certain diseases or the consumption of drugs that can alter the functioning of the immune system, in these cases they must be managed by the doctor ”, says the pharmacist.

suplementos vitamínicos

How do supplements help us?
“They help us to alleviate the deficiencies that a poor lifestyle can cause. It is not that they 'strengthen' it, it is that they help its normal functioning ”, adds the researcher. “In general, a supplement must provide those vitamins and minerals that are deficient in the diet, with special attention to Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc. Vitamin C maintains the oxidative state of cells and protects against inflammatory responses. It also stimulates the functions of leukocytes (cells that protect against infection). Numerous studies have shown that a vitamin D deficiency is related to an increase in the number of infections, in general. A study related to COVID-19 has just been published that shows the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory

activity of this vitamin and that prevents the cytokine storm. However, with current data, it cannot be said that a supplement with Vitamin D prevents the disease ”, explains Luz García Toro.


“Finally, Zinc is a mineral that acts on the second, more complex level of defense of our body, in which specific cells intervene to fight against the infectious agent. In addition, it helps to keep the skin and mucous membranes in good condition and, therefore, curb external threats. In addition, certain proteins, such as apalbumin present in royal jelly, have also been shown to improve immunity ”, she adds.


Choose the one that suits us best
Another of the most common questions is how to get right to choose the one we really need. “In this it could help to know the functioning of our own organism. Performing blood tests and medical check-ups on a regular basis will help us to know if we need any type of specific supplement ”, he tells us. They can also give us a hand in our trusted pharmacy. "My recommendation is to go to the pharmacy for two reasons: the supplements that we are going to find here have been manufactured by pharmaceutical laboratories following pharmaceutical quality standards and, in addition, the pharmacist will recommend the most appropriate for each case based on diet, habits of life, other treatments, etc… ”, Luz García Toro tells us from her professional experience.


Can they have contraindications in some people?
In general, they do not have to have contraindications, although as the expert explains, “some people may have problems assimilating certain compounds. It is important to know our state of health and to carry out medical checks periodically. I would like to emphasize that supplements in general will not be harmful, but that they must be taken in a reasonable way, following the directions of the supplement itself. If they are taken in excessive doses they can also produce non-beneficial effects ”. Luz García Toro agrees, explaining that they are safe and effective, if the doses recommended by the manufacturer are followed. “We must consult with the pharmacist in case of taking other medications or suffering from any important illness. Without forgetting the possible allergies that must also be considered ”, adds the expert.

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