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Everyone has the desire to live longer so that they can be with their family for a long time and achieve the successes they want to achieve. And no one has aspirations to suffer from heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus, liver problems, lung problems and cancer. Then how do you stay healthy and fit?
Here are some habits that can help you live longer:

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 1.Do physical activity.
According to research shows that doing light activity already has health benefits. However, physical activity that is stronger until the body sweats, such as jogging, swimming, cycling can provide greater benefits. For greater benefits, you can do regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day. Physical activity is not only beneficial for health but is also a way to socialize or gather with family.
Choose a physical activity that can be used to prevent boredom, reduce stress levels, and have a low risk of injury. The physical activity chosen must also be adjusted to age and health conditions. Starting with physical activity first and ending with cooling. If the goal of physical activity is to lose weight, additional physical activity is needed, not only sports but all activities carried out. Daily activities such as choosing to use the stairs using the elevator / lift, using a bicycle to go to work or school.

 2.Eat healthy foods.

  • Fruits and vegetables are one of the ingredients of a healthy diet. It is recommended that everyone consume a minimum of five different servings of vegetables and fruit each day. One serving is about one hand grip.
  • One-third of food servings in a day must have a flour composition, such as cereal, bread, potatoes, rice, or noodles. Whole grain cereal or whole wheat bread is healthier than other low-fiber foods.
  • Limiting consumption of foods high in fat such as cheese, fatty meat, full cream milk, fried foods, butter, etc.
  • Consume 2-3 servings of fish every week, at least 1 serving is fish that contains omega-3 such as salmon or tuna.
  • Consume lean meat or poultry.
  • Using vegetable oil to process fried foods.
  • Limiting the use of salt in foods and limiting eating that is salty.


 3.Controlling emotional conditions.

Healthy living in it also requires emotional health and adequate rest. A good mood can lower the risk of a crisis or skipping. The occurrence of stress and a person can reduce the quality and quantity of one's sleep. Controlling stress or damage can be achieved by increasing positive energy in oneself, such as doing meditation and yoga. Finding ways to please yourself after work such as hanging out with friends, going to a place to reflect, or enjoying time reading a book can help reduce stress levels.


 4.Quit smoking.

If you are a smoker, the decision to choose to quit smoking is the most effective action that can be taken to reduce the risk of disease in the future. Smoking can increase the risk of damage to lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Health benefits can be felt after quitting smoking.


 5.Improve sleep quality.

Having 7-8 hours of quality sleep a day can help maintain health. Here are some tips for dealing with poor sleep quality and quantity:

  • Don't watch television or computer 2 hours before bed.
    Television and computer light can stimulate or signal the body to wake up.
  • Not doing strenuous exercise before bed.
    Do light stretches to help lower stress levels.
  • Take a hot shower.
    Bathing in hot water can help reduce stress levels so that it can improve sleep quality.
  • Anticipate sleep schedules
    Create a sleep schedule and take commitments to lower the risk of insomnia.






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