_Happy boy Posted August 15, 2020 Posted August 15, 2020 With the fall high school sports season starting Monday,, the Minnesota State High School League released guidelines for teams to follow. These detailed guidelines, released Thursday, discuss what aspects are required as well as recommendations for practices and competitions in each sport. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, these requirements and recommendations are based around keeping athletes, coaches, officials and others safe. All fall sports must adhere to similar requirements including: no scrimmages, no captain's practices, following protocol if a COVID-19 test is positive, voluntary participation, social distancing, avoid grouping of athletes, and team celebrations should not involve touching between teammates. Here's a breakdown of guidelines for each sport this fall. Boys and girls Soccer The boys and girls soccer season will start Monday, and the last regular season competition day is Oct. 10. During practice, hand sanitizer should be available for athletes and coaches at all times. Athletes are required not to share pinnies (scrimmage vests) with other teammates and they need to be washed between uses. These are requirements during a competition: All participants are required to wear a mask if they cannot stay socially distance, unless they are actively playing in the game. If a player needs to recover from playing after time in the game and cannot wear a mask, they should stand 12 feet away from others. Soccer balls should be sanitized pregame, at halftime and post game. Home team is responsible for sanitizing. Team benches should observe social distancing of 6 feet. Coaches are limited to a regular team box, but box width can be flexible for student-athletes and others for social distancing. If the officials' table is on the sideline, limit the table to a home team scorer and time with social distancing. The away scorer and timer are not deemed essential and will need to find a different location. During the pregame conference: Limit a head coach and a single captain to attend. Move location to center of the field to allow social distancing. No handshakes. The owner of the coin should be the only one to handle the coin toss. No World Cup pregame style introductions. Instead, players go to field positions for introductions and the national anthem. Team huddles should be avoided. During the competition: Maintain social distancing for substitutions. No substitutions on corner kicks. Ball chasers should be seventh grade or older and must keep 6 feet distance. Teams may be dismissed to benches during longer injuries. No overtime in regular season games. Running time if score is five-goal differential. After the competition: No shaking hands. Teams need to clean bench areas completely. Girls tennis The girls tennis season will begin Monday and the last regular season day for competition will be Oct. 3. During practice, teams are required to keep pods at 25 or fewer people. Also, uniforms should not be shared or exchanged and they should be school issued. These are the requirements for a competition: Coaches and athletes must wear a mask when social distancing isn't possible or the athlete is participating in a match. No competitor chairs will be allowed on courts. Spectators are not allowed inside the fence or on the courts. Benches and bleachers may not be utilized by athletes, coaches or spectators inside the fenced-in court space. Visiting teams are deemed essential and will have access to restrooms. During pregame: Athletes must use hand sanitizer before entering and exiting the court. Athletes' bags must be 3 feet from the net post. Instructions before the match will be provided by the home team coach and athletes will be spaced by social distancing on the baseline. Team huddles are not allowed unless athletes and coaches are wearing masks. During the competition: Avoid fist bumps or handshakes after any point. Home team will update the score. Coaches must wear face masks when talking to athletes in between sets and games. When switching sides, the player will go directly to their bag and not cross paths with their opponent. Switch court sides on opposite sides of the court. When returning balls to another court, the player should only use their racquet and not use their hands. Each team needs their own hand sanitizer and medical kit. Players cannot wipe sweat with their tennis ball. Girls swimming and diving The girls swimming and diving season begins Monday, and the last competition day will be on Oct. 17. During practices, masks are required for everyone in the pool area unless the swimmer or diver is in the water. Athletes cannot share equipment, and swimmers must sit and slide into the water instead of diving. These are the requirements for a competition: Every person in the pool area is required to wear a mask at all times unless they are in the water. No more than four swimmers per lane with warmups observing pod sizes and limitations. Create visible markers to show spacing on the pool deck. Keep teams on separate sides of the pool. Position starters and referees to be at least 6 feet down the side of the pool from the starting end. Before the meet: Pre-meet meetings will not be held. Visiting team should arrive in uniform. Officials will arrive in full uniform. During the competition: One timer per lane. A maximum of three people on the timing table with one being the announcer. Only competitors for each event will be allowed behind the blocks. Athletes should congregate in the starting area. Once an event is completed, the individual will exit the pool and return to the team area on the side of the pool. One counter per lane for the 500 freestyle. During a relay, the first and second swimmers should be in the starting area at the beginning of the event. Once the second swimmer enters the water, the third and fourth swimmers can enter the starting area. All divers must wear masks during the event until their dive is announced. They must wear the mask again once they are out of the pool. Home team will swim in lanes 1-4 and visiting teams will swim in lanes 5-8. Lanes 1 and 8 are exhibition only and lanes 2-7 will be competition. Exhibition heats are not permitted. After the meet: No fist pumps and handshakes. No award ceremonies. Boys and girls cross country The cross country season for boy and girls will begin Monday, and the last competition day will be Oct. 10. During practices, the only requirement is everyone stays socially distant from one another. These are the requirements for a competition: Everyone must wear masks if they can't be socially distant unless they are actively running in the meet. Start areas will be 6 feet wide with an empty 10-foot box in between schools. If this isn't possible, then a staggered approach will be at the start line. Team camp areas should be for only athletes and coaches. No one else is permitted. There must be a restricted area at the finish for athletes. Before the race: No more than 25 participants at the start line. Runners should go to the starting line 15 minutes before the race starts. Team run-outs should be straight out and keeping distance from others. No handshakes or fist bumps. During competition: Staggered/wave starts are required if there's more than 25 participants at the start line. No collection of warmups at the start area. Runners will return to the start area and pick up their own warmups. If shoe chips are used, the coach will collect the chips and turn them in. After competition: No handshakes or fist bumps. No award ceremonies. Brian Mozey is the high school sports reporter for the St. Cloud Times. Reach him at 320-255-8772 or bmozey@stcloudtimes.com. Follow him on Twitter @BrianMozey. Support local journalism. Subscribe to sctimes.com today.
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