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The ancient Chinese believed that man, like everything around him, is made up of one of five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. In their conception, each man is guided by one of these elements, depending on his date of birth. You can search for the element you belong to in the table below with the element itself and its associated sign. To find out what kind of zodiac sign you are in the Chinese zodiac, you can see a little below the year of your birth and the zodiac you are part of.

The five elements can be presented in the form of cycles. Each element helps to produce the next element in the cycle. consequently, the wood burns and gives rise to fire. The earth remains after the burning fire. We extract the metal from the ground. When the metal melts it creates a symbolic ripple of water. Water nourishes and grows wood. The wood burns and burning burns the fire. As you can see, this cycle resumes indefinitely.


Ideally, you should have objects in your home that are directly related to both the personal element and the one that precedes it in the cycle of producing the five elements. This is because the previous element helps to create your element. For example, water gives rise to wood. The destructive cycle will act in the opposite way. Fire can melt metal, metal can cut wood, wood dries the earth by force, the earth is able to stop, block and absorb water. Water can put out fires. Understanding these cycles is extremely helpful in determining compatibility and resolving torque issues.


Fire can generate warmth, light and happiness. But it can destroy and burn. These two properties are observable in the personality of people who are under the sign of fire. They are innate leaders, because they put a lot of soul into what they do and release a special inner warmth. They also have the ability to motivate and inspire others. They are lovers of new ideas and concepts, being in a constant search for change and diversity.

The earth is nourishing and regenerating. Earth people are stable, reliable and have a lot of strength. They are patient, caring and strong. They are also practical, down to earth and have a highly developed sense of humor. They show logic and think well before acting. They are stubborn and resistant to change. They have the ability to start a project and complete it. They are not as permeable as the people who belong to the other elements.

Metal is usually associated with gold or money. However, swords or daggers can also be made from it. Consequently the metal can be both productive and destructive.

Water is related to creativity and emotional states. Water can be stagnant and calm in a pond, but in the ocean it can be devastating. The gentle rain nourishes the earth, but the torrential rains, the unstoppable streams leave behind only destruction.

The energy of wood is expansive and all-encompassing. The ancient Druids worshiped trees. As the roots penetrated deep into the world of shadows, the trunks lived in the real world, and the crown of branches stretched to the heavens, to the absolute. The energy of wood can be as flexible as a willow or as steady as an oak.

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