HiTLeR Posted June 30, 2020 Posted June 30, 2020 The hospitalization of a woman due to skin infections led to the issuance of new medical warnings about the harm that tattoo may cause to the human body. The newspaper "Telegraph" that an Australian woman was hospitalized after the emergence of excessive masses, in the armpit area, which made her fear that they are cancerous blocks. After removing the lumps from the Australian woman's body, it was found that they do not carry significant damage, but are the result of skin reactions to a tattoo that was painted on her body 15 years ago. Doctors previously knew that the ink that is used to paint tattoos on bodies can reach the lymph nodes, which may cause infections in the body, but the new finding is that this effect may occur after more than 10 years of drawing tattoos. The latest statistics showed that a third of young people in Britain carry tattoos on their bodies. The European Synchrotron Radiation Center for Research published a study showing that toxic titanium dioxide particles are present in the ink that is used to draw tattoos, and can travel through the body, and cause skin and internal problems.
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