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uviTR2Y.png Nick: M.R.U.I.S
uviTR2Y.png Real name Amine
uviTR2Y.png How old are you?:  17
uviTR2Y.png Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): cs 1.6 , csgo , fortnite , rocket league 
uviTR2Y.png Where are you from?(country and city): England , Peterborough 
uviTR2Y.png Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I am a teenager who lives with  my sister , mum my dad left me a young age.  I love my family to pieces I have a lot of respect for people I am someone who can make friends quite easily and fit in I love playing video games , I really enjoy going out with my friends and going to the gym. 
uviTR2Y.png Note some of your qualities:  Respectful, Never loose my temper, I enjoy helping people , Active. And I was moderator here in the past so I can say experience. 

uviTR2Y.png Tell us some of your defects: I'm going to be honest I get very nervous I get worried about what people think of me way to much.
uviTR2Y.png On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity):  Proposals , Devils club , F.A.Q , Over-watch
uviTR2Y.png Which category/project you want to care off?(choose from THIS LIST? Devils Club
uviTR2Y.png How well you speak english?(and other languages): I'm from England so it's good
uviTR2Y.png Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: Yes I have TS3, but no working microphone 
uviTR2Y.png Contact methods: steam: EA7 , CSBD, TS3
uviTR2Y.png Last request: first request



Nice title, already typed for the answer, i like this.


WtiKIUH.gif Thank you for your request!
WtiKIUH.gif Sadly you do not respect all of our requirements, increase your activity and return after 30 days with a new request.

Click on one of the image to get to apply for a specific project(Uploaders are coming soon)

lCYReC6.png            ukP9OPk.png            opD9toi.png            D7MF0JI.png           VOuqEZq.png
Wish you all the best!


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