robila Posted March 8, 2020 Posted March 8, 2020 Rules news / ENG, R1: Is allowed to post only 1 news at every 24 hours. R2: Before to post, check if another member has already published the news. R3: The title must be one of ''Quality'', to gather the audience. R4: The news can not contain inappropriate images / scenes, etc.. (sex, pornography, violence, +18). R5: If you publish 2 or more news in a day, you will be punished with warning points according to the rules of the community. Quote 6.Advertising / Spam 6.1 Advertising refers to the presentation of a website in order to attract more visitors. Any post, signature, avatar or private message from this type will result in permanent suspension of the member. 6.2 It is not considered advertising the referring to websites with informative purposes. R6: Is forbidden to respond in the news of another member with words like, great, good luck, good job, keep it up, hello, nice news, etc.. Quote 4. Posting rules 4.1 Off-topic/post-hunt/spam 4.1.1 Off-topic post is not related to the subject of the topic.This kind of post is not allowed. 4.1.2 Post-hunt refers to the posts that have the base on their amount and not on the meaning. Posts that contain a non-sense text or "generic" answers is considered post-hunt. Example: "hello" "hard" "beautiful" "cool" "good job" "nice" "generic" answer means: statements that are not real or have no connection with the subject, example: "I love the game, I played it, it was cool" this response can be considered "generic" because it is not a developed response or the user is unconscious about the subject. 4.1.3 If the rules have been broken in a post, those who will claim with a text "closed and warn", "Ban bann" will be sanctioned for the post-hunt. For reports/announcements use the report command below the avatar you wish to report. 4.1.4 Spam defines the excessive posting in a certain category with unnecessary topics/posts or same subject/answer. 4.2 Double-post 4.2.1 The double-post is not allowed, use the edit button. It is not considered double-posting if the two posts were made at an interval higher than 24 hours. 4.2.2 It is not considered double-posting if the posting time is one made after a few seconds as this may be the cause of a connection conflict that leads to a quick double-posting. R7: It is forbidden to publish about piracy, or warez. Quote 5. Piracy (warez) 5.1 It's forbidden to open any topic about piracy (warez) The following topics will lead to permanent suspension without appeal right: Instructions, discussions and links how a pirated software runs, crack sites are also included. Request or publication serial numbers or cracks. Request or publication of DLCs. Request or publication of trackers. (torrent sources). Download link of some applications over which you have no copyright. (with exception of official websites who allow free software released / created by them). Various advertising of private servers or statements that support the free private. R8: The news will be closed by the moderators after 24 hours. R9: The moderators should review before approving a news item. R10: The moderators, should hide the news, only if they are incorrect, (Talk with the member, that this publication is incorrect.). * R11: Every topic that you post must have the site from where you took the news,if not the topic will be hidden instantly! Reguli stiri / RO. R1: Aveti voie sa postati doar o stire odata la 24 de ore. R2: Verificati intodeauna daca stirea pe care doriti sa o postati a fost deja postata de un alt membru al echipei. R3: Titlul trebuie sa fie unul de ''Calitate'', pentru a putea aduna publicul. R4: Stirile nu pot contine imagini / scene inadecvate (sex, pornografie, violenta, +18, etc..). R5: NU postati mai mult de o stire in decurs de 24 de ore, astfel riscati sa fiti sanctionati conform regulamentului comunitatii. Quote 6. Reclama / Spam R6: Este interzis sa raspundeti la stiri cu cuvinte precum: Wow, Bun, Frumos, Continua tot asa, etc.. Quote 4. Reguli de postare 4.1 Off-topic/post-hunt/spam 4.1.1 Off-topic reprezinta un post ce nu are legatura cu subiectul topicului respectiv. Acest mod de a posta nu este permis. 4.1.2 Post-hunt face referire la posturile ce au la baza cantitatea lor nu si intelesul. Posturile ce contin un text sec ori raspunsurile "generice" se considera post-hunt. Exemplu: "salut" "tare" "frumos" "misto" R7: Este interzisa publicarea despre piraterie. Quote 5. Pirateria (warez) 5.1 Interzisa este deschiderea oricarui subiect despre piraterie (warez) R8: Stirile vor fi inchise de un moderator dupa aproximativ 24 de ore. R9: Moderatorii trebuie sa examineze topic-ul inainte de al aproba. R10 Moderatorii trebuie sa ascunda topic-ul doar cand este ceva incorect (Informati membrul respectiv despre situatie dupa ce il ascundeti). * R11: Fiecare topic pe care il postati trebuie sa contina site-ul de unde ai preluat stirea, daca nu , topicul va fi ascuns instantaneu! 1
Qween Posted April 6, 2021 Posted April 6, 2021 The rules have been UPDATED: * R11: Every topic that you post must have the site from where you took the news,if not the topic will be hidden instantly! RO: Spoiler * R11: Fiecare topic pe care il postati trebuie sa contina site-ul de unde ai preluat stirea, daca nu , topicul va fi ascuns instantaneu! 3
Agent47 Posted November 18, 2021 Posted November 18, 2021 New rule added! Rule : The section's moderators can close the topics only after 24 hours! 1
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