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Formule E : report de l'E-Prix de Rome en raison du coronavirus

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After the Sanya E-Prize, it is the turn of the Italian round, scheduled for April 4 in Rome, to be postponed due to the epidemic of coronavirus.

Formula E confirmed on Friday the postponement of the E-Prix de Rome which was to be held on April 4. “Due to the current health crisis in Italy, and according to the provisions of the ministerial decree concerning measures to counter and contain the spread of COVID-19 in the country, it is no longer possible to organize the E -Prix of Rome ”, can be read in the official press release.

In agreement with the city of Rome, EUR S.p.A, as well as the FIA and the Automobile Club of Italy, Formula E will evaluate alternative options to postpone the Italian round to another date. There are also threats to the E-Prix in Seoul on May 3 and in Jakarta on June 6.

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