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Study reveals "serious" disorders in children due to devices

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نتيجة بحث الصور عن Study reveals "serious" disorders in children due to devices


Some parents provide electronic devices for their children in order to help them to have fun or to get rid of their inconvenience, but young people who attend these screens are at risk of developing serious language disorders, according to a recent French study.Researchers from Rennes University conducted a detailed study, and matched the sample to 167 children, ages 3 to 6, who were diagnosed with language disorder.In parallel, the researchers studied another sample of 109 children who had not previously experienced any language level disorder, according to BFM website.


The results revealed that children who deal with electronic devices and stare at screens become three times more likely to suffer from language disorders.

The researchers pointed out that children who deal with screens suffer from language disorder, even if they spend short periods in front of the devices.
These linguistic disorders include what children suffer as a result of the established customs, and this category does not include what is known as secondary language disorders, that is, those caused by genetic and neurological factors.As for children who use devices, and watch electronic content without any supervision from parents, they have a six-fold increased risk of language disturbance.Electronic devices include all entertainment, such as television, electronic tablets, and smartphones, and previous studies have warned of the reflection of this addiction on children's communication capabilities.
Edited by #Mr.Devil
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