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10 habits that will protect us from disease


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10 habits that will protect us from disease

With these easy steps, anyone can prevent the oncoming viruses


10 навика, които ще ни предпазят от болести655-402-gradski-transport.jpg



In the cold and flu season, the risk of getting infected at work and in urban transport is very high.

On these days, when the flu hit us, we wonder how doctors don't catch the infection from their patients.

It turns out that health workers follow 10 simple and easy steps in their daily lives that protect them from viral diseases.

1. Disinfect and wash your hands frequently

The first and foremost thing that prevents the spread of flu is to wash your hands. And it's never too often.

Be sure to bring a disinfectant for cases where you do not have access to water and soap.

2. Avoid touching your face

Keep your hands away from the face, especially the nose, eyes and lips, the places where bacteria can easily penetrate.

3. Sleep is the key to good health

Sleep is crucial for good body tone. If the body is tired, it will not be able to cope with infections.

4. Take care when using common objects and surfaces

Using common areas and appliances with other people is one of the risks of transmitting infections. Therefore, it is best not to use common utensils, wipe computers and phones as often as possible, as well as your desk.

5. Disinfect the surfaces properly

Wiping it with a dry cloth or alcohol-based cloth and then absorbing the wet residue is not one of the right approaches.

When disinfecting the surface, it is good to leave it wet with the alcoholic fluid for at least 45 seconds and then soak it so that all the bacteria can escape.

6. Take enough Vitamin D

Vitamin D maintains healthy bones and muscles and is also important for maintaining a good immune system.

Vitamin D deficiency is linked can lead to infection. To get it, get exposed to sunlight and eat vitamin D-rich foods such as fish, eggs, milk, yogurt, almond milk, orange juice, oatmeal, tofu and cheese.

7. Eat healthy

For good health, the most important thing is to eat healthy, take vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and other beneficial ingredients that deal with infections.

8. Nutritional supplement

If you have any deficiency, nutritional supplements are a good solution in the season of influenza and viral diseases. But do not overdo it because you can harm your body.

9. Be careful not to spread the infection to your home

Disinfect your belongings and keep an eye on what surfaces you put them on so you do not spread bacteria to your loved ones.

When traveling by public transport, try not to put your clothes and bags on dirty surfaces.

10. Wear a protective mask

No matter how ridiculous you look or feel, masks are one of the best contraceptive measures available. They limit, though not completely, the infections that are spreading sick people around you.

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