-INTOX- Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 Asa, sa incepem. Intram pe: https://t.co/Oj9RLaDOoP Facem free vps de la gugal dupa scriem node -v, daca apare Version : 0.12.7 scriem Quote nvm use stable Dupa dam node -v si ar trebui sa apara v4.2.1 Bun acum ca am rezolvat cu versiunea de node.js Cream un nou folder Quote mkdir steambot cd steambot instalam Quote npm install steam dupa facem un nou fisier cu Quote touch bot.js dupa scriem Quote nano bot.js acum in fisier scriem Quote var Steam = require('steam'); var fs = require('fs'); var bot = new Steam.SteamClient(); if (fs.existsSync('sentryfile')) { var sentry = fs.readFileSync('sentryfile'); console.log('[STEAM] logging in with sentry '); bot.logOn({ accountName: '', password: '', shaSentryfile: sentry }); } else { console.log('[STEAM] logging in without sentry'); bot.logOn({ accountName: '', password: '', authCode: '' }); } bot.on('loggedOn', function() { console.log('[STEAM] Logged in.'); bot.setPersonaState(Steam.EPersonaState.Online); //Tell steam we are playing games. //440=tf2 //550=l4d2 //730=csgo //570=dota2 bot.gamesPlayed([440, 550, 730, 570]); }); bot.on('sentry', function(sentryHash) {//A sentry file is a file that is sent once you have //passed steamguard verification. console.log('[STEAM] Received sentry file.'); fs.writeFile('sentryfile',sentryHash,function(err) { if(err){ console.log(err); } else { console.log('[FS] Saved sentry file to disk.'); }}); }); //Handle logon errors bot.on('error', function(e) { console.log('[STEAM] ERROR - Logon failed'); if (e.eresult == Steam.EResult.InvalidPassword) { console.log('Reason: invalid password'); } else if (e.eresult == Steam.EResult.AlreadyLoggedInElsewhere) { console.log('Reason: already logged in elsewhere'); } else if (e.eresult == Steam.EResult.AccountLogonDenied) { console.log('Reason: logon denied - steam guard needed'); } }) acum dam CTRL + X / save / save dupa scriem Quote node bot Si bot-ul ar trebui sa mearga bot.js -> http://pastebin.com/fS4aJzcf Quote
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