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marticle_icon_preview2_336.jpgHuman health really is an invaluable gift of nature, which, alas, like everything that has been received for nothing, is wasted and realized that it is not given to “buy back” it for any money. A person begins to squander his health in childhood, at school, with insane generosity paying off for their wrong lifestyle - unnecessary fatigue, lack of proper work and rest, smoking and alcohol.

According to WHO, only 10% of human health is determined by medical care, while 40% are determined by heredity and ecology, and 50% are determined by lifestyle. From this it follows that the organization of healthy lifestyles should begin in the family, at school, although it is at this age that life and health seem endless and inexhaustible.

Neglect of health, ignorance and unwillingness to lead a healthy lifestyle and speaks about the disease of society. To preserve the main value of life - human health, it must be protected from an early age, from the first days of life.

Strangely enough, in the modern information age, schoolchildren have rather poor knowledge about the capabilities of their bodies, ways to maintain health (most often they understand the absence of bad habits as a healthy lifestyle). This is one of the main reasons for the behavior of students, not consistent with the principles of healthy lifestyles, and hence the cause of their low level of health.

Monitoring the assessment of schoolchildren's health allows us to understand and find the causes of the onset of disease. The task is to find ways of influencing various factors on a person, assess their health, lifestyle and think about how to change it.

Health and lifestyle
The world entered the 21st century, having both undoubted achievements in science and tragic failures (natural disasters, changes in political and economic regimes, warriors, epidemics, etc.). It is indisputable that only a healthy person with well-being, psychological stability, high mental and physical performance can actively live successfully to overcome difficulties. The need to be healthy is a basic human need. It should be ensured in society the right to life, therefore, society must create a certain minimum of conditions designed to protect the health of its citizens.

What is health? The simplicity of the answer to this question - such as “this is when nothing hurts” - is apparent, and there is still no comprehensive definition of health. In the big medical encyclopedia, health is treated as a state of the human body when the functions of all its organs and systems are balanced with the vernal environment and there are no painful changes. At the same time, a living organism is a non-equilibrium system and all the time during its development changes the forms of interaction with environmental conditions, and not the environment, but the organism itself changes.

According to the WHO definition, "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of illness or physical defects." If you think about this definition, you can conclude that absolute health is an abstraction. In addition, this definition initially excludes people who have any physical defects.

The concept of health reflects the quality of an organism's adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between man and the environment; the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors.

Currently, it is customary to allocate several components of health:

Somatic health is the current state of organs and systems of the human body, which is based on the biological program of individual development, mediated by basic needs that dominate at various stages of ontogenetic development. These needs, firstly, are the starting mechanism of human development, and secondly, provide for the individualization of this process.
Physical health is the level of growth and development of organs and body systems, the basis of which is morphological and functional reserves that provide adaptive responses.
Psychological health is the state of the mental sphere, which is based on a state of general mental comfort, providing an adequate behavioral response. This condition is due to both biological and social needs, as well as the possibilities of their satisfaction.
Moral health is a complex of characteristics of the motivational and need-informative sphere of life activity, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of the individual in society. Moral health is mediated by a person’s spirituality, as it is associated with the universal truths of goodness, love and beauty.
In a simplified and generalized form, we can assume that the criteria for health are:

for somatic and physical health - I can;
for the psychic, I want;
for moral i must.
Signs of health are:

specific (immune) and nonspecific resistance to the action of damaging factors;
growth and development indicators;
functional state and reserve capacity of the organism;
the presence and level of any disease or developmental defect;
level of moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes.
What does human health depend on? It turned out that if we take conditionally the level of health as 100%, then 20% depend on hereditary factors, 20% are environmental conditions, i.e. ecology, 10% of the activities of the health care system. And what about the remaining 50%? They depend on the person himself, on the lifestyle he leads.

What is meant by lifestyle?
Lifestyle is a biosocial category that integrates ideas about a certain type of human activity and characterizes its work activity, life, the form of satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, the rules of individual and social behavior. In other words, lifestyle is the “face” of an individual, reflecting at the same time the level of social progress. A person’s lifestyle includes three categories: standard of living, quality of life, and lifestyle.

The standard of living is first and foremost an economic category, representing the degree of satisfaction of the material, spiritual and cultural needs of a person. Quality of life is understood as the degree of comfort in satisfying human needs (mainly a social category). Lifestyle characterizes the behavioral characteristics of a person’s life, i.e. a certain standard under which the psychology and psychophysiology of the person adjusts (a socio-psychological category). If you try to assess the role of each of the categories of lifestyle in the formation of individual health, then you will notice that the first two are social in nature. Hence it is clear that human health will primarily depend on lifestyle, which to a large extent is personal in nature and is determined by historical and national traditions (mentality) and personal inclinations (image).

Human behavior is aimed at meeting the needs. With more or less the same level of needs that is characteristic of a given society, each person is characterized by his own individual ways of satisfying them, therefore the behavior of people is different and depends primarily on education.

The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of a healthy lifestyle (HLS); This concept is the basis of valeology. A healthy lifestyle unites everything that contributes to the fulfillment by a person of professional, social and everyday functions in optimal health conditions and expresses the orientation of the individual's activities towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health.

At the heart of a healthy lifestyle are both biological and social principles. Biological include:

lifestyle should be age;
lifestyle must be firming;
a lifestyle must be provided energetically;
lifestyle should be rhythmic;
lifestyle should be ascetic.
The social principles include:

lifestyle should be aesthetic

Edited by - Dark
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