#Dobe~ClasSy!☠ Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 olice investigating a suspected OAP serial killer have revealed all three men in their 80s sustained similar "serious head injuries". The battered bodies of three elderly men in their 80s - including twin brothers - were discovered at their homes in Exeter, Devon, within hours of one another on Monday and Tuesday. Now, on Thursday afternoon, detectives said due to a number of similarities, they were treating the deaths as a "single multiple murder", suggesting they were dealing with a serial killer. Detective Chief Inspector Roy Linden, deputy head of major crime, said: "The investigations into these three incidents remain connected. "Due to the serious head injuries sustained by all three victims and the presentation of the properties and the age of the victims, we are treating this as a single multiple murder investigation." A 27-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of the murders on Tuesday. Police said the "level of violence" used led officers to link the killings. Two of the murdered men were 84-year-old twins Dick and Roger Carter, who were killed in the home they had lived in all their lives. The other victim was Anthony Payne, 80, who lived alone. Detective Chief Inspector Roy Linden, deputy head of major crime, said: "The investigations into these three incidents remain connected. "Due to the serious head injuries sustained by all three victims, the presentation of the properties and the age of the victims, we are treating this as a single multiple murder investigation. "Following the post mortems, which were completed yesterday, is has been confirmed that all three victims sustained serious head injuries." Earlier on Thursday, police ruled out the three men had been shot dead amid reports an antiquated shotgun was discovered near one of the victims' bodies. A police spokesman, who refused to confirm nor deny the existence of the weapon, told The Telegraph that a gun was "not a factor" in the investigation. Asked if the shotgun belonged to the victim or if Mr Payne had a licence to carry the weapon, Devon and Cornwall Police said it would not divulge information that was not relevant to the investigation. Another police source told The Telegraph: "The injuries sustained by the victims do not indicate that they are connected to the use of a firearm."
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