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If you feel that you spend most of the day with your smartphone in hand, you should know the main culprit. The solution involves learning how you find the most time consuming applications on your iPhone.

The smartphone is the main vice of the 21st century. There have been numerous articles on this subject, numerous studies have been conducted, and we will see worrisome stasists dealing with the same subject. Social networks, chat applications, or mobile games are just some of the options that motivate you not to leave your handset.

Smartphones are gadgets that have almost completely dismantled the tablet market. Also due to these upgraded pocket computers, the number of people buying new laptops or desktops in 2018 has fallen at an alarming rate. If you used to use tablets to read a book or look at a movie, you do the same thing on the generous smartphone screen in your pocket. The presence of a laptop in the schoolbag is justified for editing documents or for editing a ruthless email. The phone is also great in these situations.

If you feel that you spend too much time on your phone, you should learn how you find the most time-consuming applications on your iPhone. The solution is similar to the first step from anonymous alcoholics. Before you solve the problem, you need to be aware that it exists. The best solution to achieve this goal involves knowing exactly how much time you spend in each app on your phone. Which are the most energy-intensive apps on your mobile and what's the most on the smartphone screen?

To do so, go to the Settings or Settings section of the Battery section. Below, you'll see, in percent of your battery, what apps you are spending your most energy. If you make a single tap on any of your apps, you will see in hours and minutes how many apps you have on the screen and how long it has run in the background. Information obtained in this way may be amazed.



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