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HP has just introduced new laptops, which include improvements in several aspects such as RAM or processor. It is the new Elitebook line, which includes a feature that makes them different, although it may seem somewhat minor: these HP laptops come with a lid on your webcam to avoid being spied on.

When you are not using it, you can slide it and leave it completely blocked. Thus, although a hacker may have access to your hardware, it will be impossible for you to stream to your computer what your camera is capturing. It is a simple and simple way to do what millions of people are already doing all over the world.

How to know if they are spying on you through your webcam
For some time now, there has been a question about whether you can hack a computer's webcam to spy on its owner. The answer is yes, you can, and that's why HP has taken steps to protect its customers. That it be done by one of the world's leading technology companies should serve to give us an idea of how widespread this practice can be.

The HP models that will come with this anti-espionage tab are the following:

EliteBook 830
EliteBook 840
EliteBook 850
In the case of the EliteBook version without frames, this extra will not be included for obvious reasons: there is simply no space in the frame to include any more hardware elements, so other measures will have to be taken to avoid being spied by the webcam .

It is not the first manufacturer that includes this type of elements in its laptops, although there are some problems for the future. As in the mobile market, the trend in laptops is to reduce or eliminate frames completely around screens, and that makes it virtually impossible to physically block webcams.

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