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Need Help Plse!!!!


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12 minutes ago, OyaYansa said:

Hi xPP^, To Solve You Problem Follow Steps

1.Lunch Game
2.Click ` in Keybored
3.Write in Conosol cl_timeout "99999" 
4.Click Submit Or Enter And Close

Hope this can help you


Ty Oyayansa

1 minute ago, Legends ♛ said:

So listen :)

Go Press "Ctrl+Alt+Delete" and press "start task manager" after that find "explorer.exe" the select him press end processes after that go in right top corner it say "APPLICATIONS" Then select "new task"  and write explore.exe.

This should help you... 




Do this if your internet is not good. 

Or this problem is about your net.. myb your net is not to good so try to fox your net...chack modem cable and other stuf..

If that all this dont work try to do this: Click start menu  go in control panel then Network and Internet after that Network And Sharing Centre and find new Local Area

I hope this will help you if no send me message on ts we will try something else 

Ty Legends Probelam solved 

and :congratualtions:Welcome to Golobal Moderator

Edited by FearLess
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