Anounyme Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 xD it's a gaming community and a cs 1.6 community and all forget the date that cs1.6 created and on this day 20/06/1999 CS 1.6 Start Launch On WINDOWS With Easy Objects [-] June 19, 1999 release1.0 Changes/Additions Added three new weapons: (H&K UMP .45, FN Five-Seven, & SIG SG-550) Redone player models incorporated Valve's model blending technology left beta stages [-] June 27, 1999 release 1.1 Changes/Additions Added spectator mode -- allow_spectators (0/1) Terrorist bomb backpack re-added Upgraded player models to 512X512 textures CT defuse kit pack re-added Made jumping while shooting more inaccurate w/ submachineguns Took out sniper crosshair when zoomed out AWP leg shots now non-lethal Swimming animation added to models Status bar text uses team colors All CS Strings localized to titles.txt Added option to take "end game" screenshot Length of MOTD increased to 1536 Added cs_thunder, de_vertigo, de_inferno, de_dust2 & de_rotterdam Upgraded de_dust de_cbble, de_vegas, de_aztec, cs_office, cs_siege, & cs_italy Logic used to cycle the map has been changed. The map will cycle if one of three conditions has been met: "mp_timelimit" has been met, "mp_winlimit" rounds have been won by one of the teams, or "mp_maxrounds" have been played. Fixed many cheats Changed logging format to meet the standars at mp_playerid Toggles what information players see in the status bar 0 everyone: players see all names listed in the status bar (with appropriate team colors) 1 team only: players only see names for their teammates and hostages in the status bar 2 off: players do not see any names in the status bar (hostages included) 0 is the default mp_fadetoblack (overrides mp_forcechasecam) 0 nothing 1 player's screen fades to black for the remainder of the round when he dies (hud still works normally so player can chat and see the scores, etc.) 0 is the default mp_forcechasecam 0 free to spectate anyone when player dies 1 only allowed to spectate player's own team when player dies 2 not allowed to spectate anyone...player's view stays where the player dies 0 is the default mp_buytime (float) Can now designate the desired amount of buy time for each round min buy time is .5 minutes no max buy time Example: mp_buytime 1.8 // 108 seconds of buy time 1.5 min is the default (CS 1.0 buy time) mp_roundtime (float) Changed to support partial minutes min round time is 1 min max round time is 9 min Example: mp_roundtime 1.3 // 78 seconds 5 min is the default (CS 1.0 round time) mp_winlimit Will cycle the map after one team reaches this many wins 0 is the default (no win limit) mp_timelimit (float) Fixed to support 0 (no time limit) Example: mp_timelimit 17.2 // 17 minutes 12 seconds 0 is the default allow_spectators 0 Do not allow spectators 1 Allow spectators Bug fixes Out of ammo hint message fixed Punished for tk hint message fixed Through floor death animation fixed [-] December 20, 2001 release 1.3 Changes/Additions Multicast spectator added. Voice communication added. Added server chat to logging. Redesigned multiplayer scoreboard. CapsLock key is now bindable. Switching to Spectator is now logged. Changed minimum value for "mp_chattime" to 1 second Changed minimum value for "mp_buytime" to 0.25 (15 seconds) Radio commands can be heard by nearby enemies. Commandmenu support implemented. "mp_logdetail" Bitwise cvar to set the level of detail for logging attacks. Bit 0 - Log Enemy Attacks Bit 1 - Log Teammate Attacks default: 0 Usage: "mp_logdetail 0" - Log no attacks "mp_logdetail 1" - Log enemy attacks "mp_logdetail 2" - Log teammate attacks "mp_logdetail 3" - Log enemy AND teammate attacks "mp_startmoney" Sets the amount of starting money players may have. maximum: 16000 minimum: 800 default: 800 Bug fixes Bunny hopping removed. Fixed client-side shots not matching the server-side counterparts. Fixed banned.cfg problem with more than 1024 entries. Fixed screenshots overwriting each other. Buffer overflow exploit fixed. "condump", "cmdlist", and "cvarlist" only write out to the game directory. Fixed Spectator mode bug. Fixed hitbox issues. Fixed hitbox issues. Fixed nightvision bug. Fixed "slot10" not working correctly. [-] April 24, 2002 release 1.4 Changes/Additions Added Anti-Cheat protection. User Interface redone for HLTV. Dedicated servers (Win32 + Linux) now default to 32MB heapsize. Improved dedicated server FPS (sys_ticrate) accuracy in Windows NT/2K/XP and Linux. New map cs_havana New map de_chateau Updated version of map de_train Enhanced in-game spectator mode to include HLTV features Added new first-person mode to spectator modes Speaking players flash in team members' radars Dead bodies remain on the ground for the entire round Dropped bomb blinks red in Terrorist team's radar Changed so only Terrorists are notified when the bomb is dropped or picked up Changed so players must stand still when planting the bomb (including no jumping) Changed so players can't move or shoot while defusing the bomb Adjusted pistol accuracy while jumping (all pistols) Adjusted player jumping values to minimize bunny hopping Changed so the VIP can't drop any weapons If player dies, view zooms away from falling body while changing the angle to show the killer Changed color of the words 'BOMB' and 'VIP' in the scoreboard to make them more visible Changed so name changes for dead players are stored and processed when the players respawn back into the world Changed the way "kevlar" and "kevlar/helmet" work using the Buy Menus...made them work together Added a sound when "kevlar" and "kevlar/helmet" are purchased Removed players hearing enemy radio calls Added code to force "sv_clienttrace 1" on the server Changed so when someone mutes a player (in the scoreboard), they will no longer see that player's in-game text messages either Added cheering to HLTV. Muting a player in the scoreboard will also mute their text messages. Steam beta clients and non-Steam clients can play together on the same server now. Voice communication uses DirectSound by default now. Added player ID to Half-Life DM. Added chat flood protection to HLDM. Added logging of fatal Sys_Error server shutdowns. Renamed setinfo items "ah" and "vgui_menus" to "_ah" and "_vgui_menus" Added new setinfo item "_cl_autowepswitch" (default: 1) which controls whether or not a client switches to picked up weapons (if they're more powerful) "mp_kickpercent" sets the percentage of teammates it takes to vote off a player maximum: 1.0 minimum: 0.0 default: 0.66 "sv_restart" acts exactly the same as "sv_restartround" "sv_send_logos" when "sv_allowdownloads" is set to 1, this cvar will control whether custom logos are propagated to clients default: 1 "sv_send_resources" when "sv_allowdownloads" is set to 1, this cvar will control whether resources are propagated to clients default: 1 "cl_corpsestay" client-side cvar to set the amount of time (in seconds) dead bodies will stay before sinking into the ground. Dead bodies are cleared at the beginning of each round. default: 600 "cl_righthand" client-side cvar to toggle using the right and left hand view-models default: 1 "cl_minmodels" client-side cvar so clients can play using the minimum model set: leet.mdl, gign.mdl, and vip.mdl default: 0 Bug fixes Smoke grenade fix Radio command fix Fixed duplicate HUD weapon sprite bug Fixed footstep sounds to correctly play when not walking (fixes fastwalk cheats) Fixed uneven movement rate when moving through water Fixed server locking up at end of round when a lot of grenades are in play Fixed several ammo inconsistencies between weapons that share ammo types Fixed a T as CT skin bug Fixed bug with "kevlar/helmet" where players could buy it again at the beginning of each round even if they didn't need it Fixed some view_model animation bugs Fixed 'use' key causing an instant player stop with no deceleration Fixed bogus \Save directory being created when you ran Half-Life. Fixed filter logic in the launcher. Fixed bug where clients couldn't connect to server side only MODs. Fixed bug where you could "kill" the HLTV entity in Half-Life DM. Fixed AddIP command. Fixed crash when a func_breakable triggers a trigger_counter. Fixed Egon gun beam problem in Half-Life DM. Fixed Tau cannon prediction problem. Fixed fog messing Additive sprites. Fixed Alien Grunts not making any attack sounds. Fixed Egon's beam looking yellow in sofware mode. Removed "friends" connectionless packet query. Fixed "bad address type" fatal server error (caused by clients with long names). Fixed "condump" so the output won't overwrite previous files. Fixed "cvarlist" so the output won't overwrite previous files. Fixed rcon_port and rcon_address so they can be set manually by the player to rcon a server. Fixed "vote" and "votemap" commands to work correctly Fixed bug where clients would try to change their name while dead and then couldn't change it when they respawned. Fixed incorrect Hitboxes fixed when holding specific weapons. [-] June 12, 2002 release 1.5 Changes/Additions New map de_piranesi. Ricochet included in this release. Added logging of the anti-cheat system catching and kicking detected cheats. Added logging of "kick" commands. Added logging of "banid" commands. Changed error message if clients try to download missing resources to be more helpful. Added new debug message for mod makers if a packet couldn't be parsed correctly. Linux: hlds_run now does auto-restart by default (to disable: define "-norestart" on the command line) Linux: hlds_run uses "exec" when you define the "-norestart" option. Linux: Added -pingboost command line parameter. Currently supports three different methods ('-pingboost 1', '-pingboost 2', and 'pingboost 3'). These may not work well (or at all) on some OS environments. Linux: Added "-debug" flag to hlds_run to automatically run gdb and pull out useful info. Added "serverversion", can be set to '1108' to view/re-record old demos. Added "sv_logbans" to turn the logging of player bans on and off. Default is 0 (off). Bug fixes Fixed mp_hostagepenalty not working. Fixed problem with server locking when the bomb is planted and a new player joins the server. Restored "mp_fadetoblack" server variable. Fixed incorrect WonID logging. Fixed sv_allowdownload being required to be set to 1 for clients to connect to secure servers. Fixed 'bad address type' fatal error on servers that attempt to run in secure mode but have no DNS resolution. Fixed DropClient messages for Steam clients who were banned or have a duplicate Steam ID to properly show the SteamID of the client. Fixed HLTV reporting wrong spectator numbers if connection to server was pending. Fixed "multicast 1" not working if it was issued before HLTV connected to game server. Fixed relay proxies reporting wrong spectator/slots numbers in multiplayer/LAN menu. Fixed DMC powerup bug where the invisibility ring would make people glow red. Fixed rcon bug in HLTV. Fixed delay being reset to default value during changelevel. Fixed a problem with propagating HLTV banners. Fixed client freeze on exit. Fixed framerate problem on some ATI video cards. Fixed MaxPing filter not being saved correctly. Fixed sky box bug. Linux: Fixed server using 64 MB more memory than it needed to. Linux: Fixed 'undefined symbol: __strtouq_internal' on some Linux systems. Linux: Fixed segmentation fault on some Linux systems when attempting to run in secure mode. [-] January 16, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Complete rework of launcher UI. "mp_logmessages" set to "on" by default. Added spam check to "timeleft" command. Added two new rifles, the IDF Defender and Clarion 5.56. Added a Riot Shield for the CTs. New version of de_inferno. New version of de_aztec. Added new map de_airstrip. Increased Glock damage slightly. Added widescreen view modes for hardware that supports it. Changed so the bomb and hostages use T and upside-down T in the radar like players do (to indicate above/below the player). Added zoom & health in HLTV. Improved load times to join servers. Engine supports masked and additive textures modes on models. Added widescreen monitor support (16:9 and 5:4). Windows HLDS now runs as a VGUI2 panel. Running with -console will run as a console window. Windows HLDS now loads sw.dll again, swds.dll is no longer needed. HLTV log files have time stamp in file name. Changed "Press duck for menu" message to HUD style message and made it last for 6 seconds. Planted bomb now flashes in Terrorist's radar. Changed so the bomb and hostages use T and upside-down T in the radar like players do (to indicate above/below the player). Changed so the bomb defuser gets three frags for successfully defusing the bomb. Changed so when bomb goes off, the player that planted the bomb gets three frags. Changed so live players don't see enemy deaths in the scoreboard. Changed default spectator mode to "chase_locked". Changed so semi-colons are removed from messagemode text and replaced with commas (prevents exploit). Added number of ban entries to "listid" response to aid in parsing. Removed command "dem_edit", use "hl.exe -demoedit" instead. Changed default setting for "mp_logmessages" to 1 Added server cvar "sv_lan_rate" which specifies the rate to use for all clients on a lan server, default is 20000. Added "sv_log_onefile" to determine whether one log file is created (total) or one log file for each map change, which is how it currently is. The default is the current behavior (one for each map change). Bug fixes Fixed messagemode exploit where you could set cvars on the client without the console. Fixed bug where players could duck while traveling up ladders and not lose any speed (but the sound volume was reduced). Fixed players being able to move up ladders faster than their maxspeed. Fixed bug with chat input and PIP overlapping while in spectator mode. Fixed HLTV flashbang bug. Fixed mouse input bug when playing with very low sensitivity in Windows XP. Reskinned weapons to improve memory footprint. Added spam check to timeleft command. Reworked in-game spectator modes to make it easier to use. Fixed demo playback for demos containing svc_filetxferfailed messages. Fixed bug with HLTV director command 'stufftext' HLTV now handles svc_setview correctly Don't relay admin_mod commands to spectators like rate, cl_updaterate, etc. Removed unused latency code ( was related to pushlatency) If connected to HLTV, allow higher ex_interp values. Changed way how status messages are handled (to get total spectator & available slot numbers). Default HLTV updaterate will be 10 (not 20) to save bandwidth. Fixed demo recording after changelevel. Fixed bug where players could duck while traveling up ladders and not lose any speed (but the sound volume was reduced). Fixed players being able to move up ladders faster than their maxspeed. Fixed spectator bug where you can't always cycle forwards and backwards through the players (you can only cycle one direction). Reduced default sv_maxupdaterate value from 60 to 30. Fixed bug with snow sounds not playing sometimes. Fixed "fakelag" bug that allowed people to set "fakelag" and then connect to a server. Fixed zoomed sniper crosshair in HLTV mode. Fixed "sv_visiblemaxplayers" setting not working for info/details query response. [-] October 03, 2005 (current release) Bug fixes Fixed name exploit causing client crash [-] September 15, 2005 Bug fixes Fixed game not loading problem in machines with more than 4GB of ram [-] August 08, 2005 Changes/Additions Servers will default to starting up using VAC2 Added "sv_uploadmax" cvar to limit the max size (in MB) a client can use for a custom resource (i.e spray decals) Don't allow servers to execute "alias" commands on clients (prevents an infinite loop exploit using alias commands from servers) Bug fixes Fixed menu exploit on join that spawned you into the server but moved you around as you were in spectator mode Fixed possible lockup when refreshing a login ticket [-] June 07, 2005 Changes/Additions Added a challenge number to A2S_PLAYER and A2S_RULES server queries Changed A2S_INFO server query to require the string "Source Engine Query" appended to the end of the query packet Removed support for "info", "infostring", "details", "players" and "rules" queries, use A2S_INFO, A2S_PLAYERS and A2S_RULES instead Bug fixes Fixed several exploits triggered by malicious server operators (found by Stan Bubrouski) [-] August 11, 2004 Changes/Additions Force spec_pip off if forcechase cam modes are set Improved lag compensation for the player with the last player slot (ie. player 10 on a 10 player server) Changed engine to respond to new server info query [-] July 24, 2004 Changes/Additions Improved shell ejection behavior causing errors [-] July 22, 2004 Changes/Additions Improved behavior when a user changed their name to "spec_HELP_TEXT" Players are only blocked by the shield's hitbox Changing weapons but keeping the same animation index plays the new weapon's animation Improved how smoke grenades come to rest HE, smoke, and flashbang crosshairs are now the same size Improved famas burst mode firing (matches the visuals) Improved closed shield behavior Improved hint message overwriting behavior Switching to the C4 or grenades no longer masks AWP firing sound Improved behavior of footstep sound when jumping to a different surface type Buying a primary while throwing a grenade no longer lets players have primary weapons + shields Improved sv_restart behavior (limit is increased to 60 seconds) Cycler_sprites are reset properly and show up on subsequent rounds (chickens) [-] June 28, 2004 Changes/Additions Improved behavior of team_say Server prints team and player info in the console for chat messages Improved memory efficiency of hitbox animations to address intermittent server lag [-] June 14, 2004 Changes/Additions Added crosshair customization (color, size, opacity) Corpses fade out with cl_corpse_stay Improved player turning right hitbox behavior Improved brass ejection behavior hud_draw 0 doesn't remove blackout Scope blackout drawn in software mode Flashlight sound no longer masks weapon firing sounds Improved text behavior in top-right corner of observer mode Round timer doesn't re-appear until the round restarts when the bomb is defused or explodes Improved hitbox behavior [-] May 03, 2004 Changes/Additions Scaled crosshair based on 1024 * 768 Updated de_vertigo Updated headshot icon [-] April 28, 2004 Changes/Additions Added solid radar option Various other improvements Improved flashbangs (will not cancel out other flashbangs) Updated German localized files [-] April 02, 2004 Changes/Additions Added a command line option ("-noaafonts") to disable anti-aliasing on fonts Replace "#" with " " if it is the first character in a player's in-game name [-] March 23, 2004 Bug fixes Prevent the "connection to server lost due to level change" error [-] March 09, 2004 Bug fixes Changed HTTP download behavior to retry connections using old trickle download method if it can't download all files. Fixed a crash bug when connecting to a dedicated server with an empty mapcycle. Fixed a bug where MP3 volume wasn't working properly. Fixed "STEAM UserID 0:0:1 is already in use on this server" message when connecting to LAN servers in offline mode. Fixed memory leak in HLTV. [-] February 09, 2004 Changes/Additions Increased hit damage for elite pistols (slightly) Decreased price for elite pistols to $800 Optimized entity lookup routines to reduce CPU load Cstrike spectator health fix (switching players sometimes left health display incorrect) Cstrike lastinv fix (lastinv works at start of round, after picking up items, etc) Cstrike corpse popping fix Cstrike FL_FAKECLIENT fix (3rd-party bots should work fine in cstrike once more) Other small CPU optimizations Stop motdfile from having "..", "\", "/" or ":" characters in its filename Added new command line option "-dll". Syntax is -dll [game_dll_to_load] Bug fixes Fix xm1014 and m3 from making endless empty clip sounds when out of ammo Fixed shield bug where client could purchase multiple primary weapons Fixed file leak in ReadWaveFile() function Fix for updated files on the server not getting to the client when using compression Fixed extremely large rcon packets not being returned correctly [-] January 15, 2004 Changes/Additions The round timer is now disabled when the bomb is planted The winning defensive team now gets the same amount of money whether they win by round timeout or not ($3250 instead of $2000) Players on the offensive team who survive the round due to a round timeout no longer receive money the next round The Terrorists get an additional $800 per player if they plant the bomb but lose the round Fixed exploit where when a player died they could sometimes join the other team during the same round Bug fixes Fixed bug where shield would be invisible if a player picked the shield up immediately after throwing a grenade Fixed custom decals not being downloaded from the server correctly Fixed custom decals drawing incorrectly for the host of a listen server after another player joins Fixed vgui textures being corrupted after going over a number of level changes Fixed problem where player would be sometimes be forced to look straight up after task switching in and out of game in fullscreen d3d mode Fixed problem in sound system where it wouldn’t properly be shutdown at the end of a .wav file Fixed banner picture not working correctly in HLTV Fixed error message that was cut off when a player was disconnected from a game server Changed the way that Asian fonts are displayed in game for compatibility on more platforms [-] December 10, 2003 Changes/Additions Optimized some of the particle drawing code For mod makers - debugging mods no longer requires the steam.dll to be copied into the game directory Bug fixes Fixed problem in Direct3D mode where the game would be unavailable for some users. Direct3D mode should work now, but note that OpenGL will provide a better play experience if your video card is capable Fixed regression that was causing the 'load failed' crash to happen on level change Fixed shield exploit that involved dropping a weapon and buying a pistol in a specific order; you must restart your dedicated server to pick up this change [-] November 26, 2003 Changes/Additions Improved damage and accuracy of sg550 and g3sg1 sniper rifles Added small shadow underneath player Added autobuy and rebuy functionality to buy menus Added extra progress indicators for downloading & initializing VAC security modules Removed 'cmd dlfile' console command from being accessed directly from the console Bug fixes Fixed servers not being in world list if they specified a region on startup [-] November 12, 2003 Changes/Additions Added check to make sure only one instance of the game is running Added code to try help diagnose the 'filesystem dll not found' sporadic error Added some more info to help debug 'could not load filesystem' error Added fallback to software mode if selected video mode is not supported when game tries to start Added compression to server->client file transfers, reduces connection time downloading security module -- controlled by "sv_filetransfercompression" cvar. Changed error string "BADPASSWORD" to be a friendly string Changed default player name to be the users' friends name Fixed "condump" command Fixed corrupted VGUI2 text when using the TriAPI (only happened in mods) Added greater control of game startup background & layout -- controlled by resource/BackgroundLayout.txt, BackgroundLoadingLayout.txt Increase MAX_HUD_SPRITES from 128 to 256 Added avi playback option to game startup - the text file media/StartupVids.txt contains the list of avi's to play Changed missing models to only be fatal error when developer cvar > 1 Bug fixes Fixed a Steam authentication error ("Invalid User ID Ticket") that occurred when connecting to any server which was run from the Steam Games list Fixed startup crash where the text file buffer wasn't always terminated correctly causing bad info to be parsed out Fixed mouse cursor staying visible when alt-tabbing back into the game when in windowed mode Fixed corrupted VGUI2 text when using the TriAPI Fixed bug where singleplayer games were listed in the Mods list for HLDS. Fixed bug where the Mod previously used wasn't being loaded properly (and saved) the next time you ran HLDS. Fixed 'load failed' error causing players to timeout from server during level changes Fixed problem pulling crates in half-life Fixed mp3 volume slider not taking effect immediately Fixed changing the bitdepth in video options not making the apply button show up Fixed downloading of custom content from a server never saying 'complete' Fixed sponsor banner never being shown in the game Fixed game menus still be clickable even when hidden by game load dialog Fixed crash opening options dialog if "voice_enable 0" was in the config.cfg file Fixed timer graphic not displaying in Counter-Strike [-] October 10, 2003 Bug fixes fixed shield not resetting player max speed when dropped fixed being able to throw shield through walls if close enough fixed dropping shield while reloading pistol causing the reload to happen faster fixed case where shield could become invisible to other users fixed typos in de_aztec and de_airstrip map descriptions [-] September 09, 2003 Changes/Additions Added skins support to Steam (\platform\skins). Added new cvar "sv_region" to describe the region the server is in. Added "region" concept to server browser. Added range check for "gamma" cvar. Removed dependency on WON protocols. Removed Bots Added more Buy Menu client commands to support the CStrike Retail weapon names: Pistols Shotguns SMG Rifles Machine Gun 9x19mmkm45228compactnighthawkelitesfiveseven 12gaugeautoshotgun mac10mpsmgump45c90 defendercv47scoutkrieg552magnumd3au1clarionm4a1bullpupkrieg550 m249 HLTV: Maximum number of connected spectators is tracked ('status' command). HLTV: Switched 'autoretry' behavior back to the way it was in HLTV: Added 'hltv' to heartbeat. HLTV: Removed dependency on Won protocols. Bug fixes Fixed shield exploit with using 'lastinv' command. Fixed bug with MOTD not being displayed. Fixed server log (and console) getting spammed when a Terrorist would escape on an es_ map. Fixed bug with Buy Menus overlapping each other. Fixed talk icon not displaying sometimes. Fixed MP3s being looked for in the wrong folder. Fixed MP3 playback in being cutoff sometimes. Fixed bug with the "kick" command. Fixed bug where you couldn't enter a hostname that started with a number. Fixed mouse support for 3dfx cards. Fixed HTML scrollbars not showing up sometimes. Fixed "hostname" being initialized to "Half-Life" for Listen servers (for all Mods). HLTV: Fixed 'record' to continue recording demos after reconnect. HLTV: Fixed cheering bug. Quote [-] August 11, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Made Spectator settings persistent. Changed defuse kit to be inactive in the CT Buy Menu on non de_ maps. Increased Tactical Shield price to $2200. Bug fixes Fixed problem with clients getting "could not load gfx.wad" errors. Fixed infinite loop due to malformed infostring. Fixed format string crash bug in logging. Fixed screen becoming corrupt when using alt-tab with ATI cards. Fixed crash when using alt-tab while a sentence was playing. Fixed bug with Spectator PIP getting stuck on screen. Fixed Spectator GUI staying active if you viewed the help screen across a level change. Fixed not being able to use "duck" key to hide Spectator GUI. Fixed problem where external mods hooking into MOTD (i.e. amxmod) left the background screen up once the dialog was dismissed. Fixed banner image not showing when connecting to HLTV proxies (with an image set). Fixed corrupt text in scoreboard when connecting via HLTV. Fixed bug where the round would not restart until the planted bomb goes off, even if all of the players on both teams were dead. Fixed bug with team menu and trying to change team when you're VIP. Fixed bug where VIP team button was never being enabled for players on team CT. Fixed bug where you could pick-up weapons while your Tactical Shield was deployed. Fixed bug where dropping the Tactical Shield while deploying would make the player invulnerable. Quote [-] July 21, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Added support to choose voice codec quality. More changes to Aztec to reduce CPU overhead. Added new explosion sounds. Bug fixes Fixed radio/VOX sounds not playing after alt-tab'ing out of the game. Fixed server info dialog staying up over game. Fixed several slowdowns when having a large number of users in a friends list. fixed sniper zoom blackout not being the same size at different resolutions. Fixed hitch first time sound was played through vgui when not in game. [-] July 14, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Changed so you can't purchase a weapon that you're already holding. Added the server's player list to the Game Info dialog. Removed "cl_latency" cvar. Changed server list to mark servers that fail to respond as "not responding". Changes to the server's value of "sv_alltalk" are announced to clients in the console. Added autokick of idle players to the server's log file. Added the ability to use radio commands by name to allow for scripting. Names are: Radio1 Radio2 Radio3 covermetakepointholdposregroupfollowmetakingfire gofallbacksticktoggetinposstormfrontreport rogerenemyspotneedbackupsectorclearinpositionreportingingetoutnegativeenemydown Bug fixes Fixed bug with settings.scr "LIST" cvars not being handled correctly. Fixed VIP being able to pickup the Tactical Shield. Fixed bug where radio commands and hostages would sometimes get stuck in the radar after a changelevel. Fixed bug where restricted weapons (on as_ maps) weren't being disabled in the Buy Menu. Fixed Tactical Shield fastswitch exploit. Fixed Spectator problems in widescreen mode. [-] July 06, 2003 beta Bug fixes Fixed another issue related to font drawing in Windows. Corrected some of the values for weapons in Counter-Strike. Fixed bug where fonts would not draw on some versions of Windows. [-] July 04, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Reduced entity count in Aztec to improve server performance. Bug fixes Fixed bug where radar would disappear during gameplay. Fixed bug where tactical Tactical Shield wasn't removed during a round restart. Fixed bug when drawing fonts with full screen anti-aliasing on. Fixed bug friends and serverbrowser settings not being saved correctly if edited in-game. Fixed bug where sounds weren't played properly when using Friends. Fixed bug where progress bar would only show the first file you're downloading from a game server. Fixed bug in keyboard settings list where you could scroll selection bar off the visible page using the arrow keys. Fixed bug where the first mouse click wouldn't work after exiting the UI. Fixed bug where the scoreboard would be incorrect when users were connecting. Fixed bug where the M4A1 silencer animation wouldn't play the sound at the correct time. [-] June 24, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Changed scoreboard to display enemies who are dead on the opposite team. Bug fixes Fixed bug where ping times could be displayed incorrectly for game servers. Fixed bug that made server list appear slowly for server browser. Fixed in-game fonts not displaying properly when running in 16-bit mode. [-] June 20, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Player list dialog now shows the friends name of all the other players on the server. Counter-Strike new game dialog now remembers the map you selected and uses that as the default for next time. Made knife secondary attack do significantly more damage if hitting someone in the back. Optimized new weather effects. Disabled Video Mode drop down menu if the video card can't display Widescreen modes. Fixed random characters appearing at the end of the map overview description (on the team page) Changed Counter-Strike text chat so Spectators can chat with dead players. Throttled how often nav meshes are drawn (confused fast video cards). All games are ready for Steam Linux server release. Bug fixes Fixed font drawing problems with Windows 98/ME. Fixed splash screen not drawing correctly in software mode. Fixed HUD sprites not drawing correctly in OpenGL. Fixed progress bar for launching dedicated server. Fixed Shield/Knife model playing wrong idle animation while deployed. Fixed Shield/Knife model using the wrong knife model. [-] June 05, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Redesigned the "New Game" dialog in Counter-Strike. Clarion 5.56 and IDF Defender sounds redone in Counter-Strike. Bullet ricochet sounds redone in Counter-Strike. Valve Anti-Cheat is now active in the Steam beta. Explosion sounds redone in Counter-Strike. New Knife model in Counter-Strike. Added "servercfgfile" cvar back into the engine. Changed references from woncomm.lst to valvecomm.lst. Changed so dead players hear their teammates' radio commands (like voice) in Counter-Strike. Changed so Spectators will hear team radio commands while spectating a specific player (not roaming) in Counter-Strike. Reworked Counter-Strike Buy Menus. Changed so weapon buttons are deactivated if the player doesn't have enough money in Counter-Strike. Text is now all displayed via VGUI2. Text will properly scale in different resolutions. Message of the Day in Counter-Strike can use an HTML file (either the motd.txt contains a simple URL or it is a html file itself). Re-implemented ability to uparrow through history of commands in the console. Added disconnect and resume buttons to the main menu. Added in Steam monitoring tool. This will display Steam activity on your machine. Update news is displayed during the launch of the game if content is being downloaded. Optimized protocol for Steam content delivery. Server browser can be refreshed using the F5 key. Moved muting and friends status out of the scoreboard. This is handled in the Player List section of the UI. You can run multiple copies of the same application now. This is most useful for Dedicated Servers. Scoreboard will now grow dynamically in Counter-Strike, rather than having a scrollbar. Added Hearts and Spades to Friends mini-games. Added ability to force or disable automatic updating of individual Steam titles via Games list. Changed so "sv_alltalk 1" allows spectators and players to chat with each other in Counter-Strike. HLTV: New command "clearbanns" - removes all IPs from bann list. Added "mapchangecfgfile" cvar. Set this to the filename of the file you want run on map change. Bug fixes Fixed bullets firing through the Tactical Shield in some situations. Fixed bug with custom decals. Fixed bug where CD Audio CD tracks were never being played even if there was a valid CD in the drive. Fixed bug with pausing/starting MP3 streams when console/UI is brought up and closed again. Fixed bug where game could crash when initializing MSS sound thread. Fixed bug in server browser if you uparrow or downarrow in an empty list and then "connect". Fixed problem with being able to buy weapon and kill yourself at the same time (server crash) in Counter-Strike. Fixed a number of bugs related to Friends messages. Fixed format string crash bug when logging. Removed "This map has an escape zone/This map DOES NOT have an escape zone" console spam in Counter-Strike. Removed "Explosion Damage" console spam in Counter-Strike. Removed "unknown command _special" being spammed to the console whenever +attack2 is pressed in Counter-Strike. Fixed server freeze/crash exploit caused by malformed userinfo information in connect packets. Fixed potential exploits due to buffer overflows in infostring handling. Fixed bug in Counter-Strike where spectators were changed to "Free Look" at the end of a round and their settings were never restored when a target was available. HLTV: Fixed "NULL" player names in HLTV demos. [-] March 03, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Players will not lose their kills when they change to spectator mode Changed radar so dropped bomb flashes slower and planted bomb flashes faster Changed radar so planted bomb flashes as an X Changed default setting for "mp_logmessages" to 1 Bug fixes Fixed small compile bug in de_aztec Fixed bug where game would freeze up during gameplay Fixed sorting bug in particle system Fixed bug where spectate button wasn't being shown if you were dead and bring up the team selection menu Fixed bug with Clarion 5.56 and IDF Defender ammo counts when purchasing extra ammo [-] February 12, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Added in ability to buy items by name to allow for scripting. Item names are: Pistols Shotguns SMG Rifles glockuspp228deagleelitesfn57 m3xm1014 mac10tmpmp5ump45p90 galilak47scoutsg552awpg3sg1famasm4a1augsg550 Machine Gun Ammo Equipment m249 primammosecammo vestvesthelmflashhegrensgrennvgsdefusersgrennvgsshield Bug fixes Fixed streetlamp in Inferno Fixed floating staircases in Inferno Fixed bullet penetration problem with railings in Inferno Fixed bug where you could throw the bomb to a place where it could not be picked up in Aztec Fixed spawn kill probelm in Aztec Swapped door orientation back at CT spawn Fixed silent plant bug at A in Airstrip Added sign crate to B in Airstrip Fixed bug where players would get stuck behind a tree near bridge from the T spawn in Airstrip Fixed netgraph. [-] January 31, 2003 beta Changes/Additions Updated version of de_airstrip. Another route added from the CT spawn point. Updated version of de_aztec. Updated version of de_pirenesi. Updated version of de_inferno. Changed order of weapons in Buy Menus. They are sorted by price now. Added .tga files to the Buy Menus for the Nightvision goggles, Kevlar, Kevlar/Helmet, and the Defuse kit. Updated the .tga file for the Elite pistols to show two guns instead of one. Changed default spectator modes to chase locked with auto director enabled. Removed the gaps in Buy Menus for weapons you can't buy. Deactivated invalid camera options when in spectator mode. Bug fixes Fixed crash when running game in software mode. Fixed the smoke grenades while spectating, now will work in all modes, including the overview map. Fixed not being able to drop the C4 as a terrorist while holding a shield without dropping the shield first. Fixed shield bullet penetration bug. Bullets will not penetrate the shield under any situation. Fixed exploit where you would be hit in the shield and then be invincible to fall damage. Fixed crosshair disappearing if you switched to a different weapon while holding a deployed shield. Fixed bug that would give you armor if the damage you took was really low. Fixed wrong player animation being played while holding a shield and throwing a grenade or swinging the knife. Fixed bug with spectator mode chase free and having auto director enabled. Fixed bug with bottom spectator menu button if there are no players available to spectate. Fixed death notices appearing under the upper spectator panel when in spectator mode. Fixed chat text appearing under the bottom spectator panel when in spectator mode. Fixed position of chat text input when in spectator mode. Fixed bug with the status bar and the chat text overlapping a little at some resolutions. Fixed a bug where a player's screen would not get faded back in if mp_fadetoblack was being used. Fixed flashbang description. The text was being cut off in the Buy Menus. Fixed crash when running rcon commands from the client. Bringing up Friends in-game will work faster now. Fixed problem where the incorrect skyboxes were shown in some maps. Fixed incorrect prices for some of the weapons in text style Buy Menus. Fixed flashbang price being shown incorrectly as $300. HERE IS THE HISTORY OF CS 1.6 AND TODAY CS FINISHED HIS 17 YEARS AND START 18 YEARS I WONDERED TO MAKE THIS TOPIC TO ALL YOUNG DEVIL'S HERE TO KNOW WHAT THEY R PLAYING I HOPE ALL WILL LIKE IT THNX FOR READING HAPPY CS 1.6 "18 YEARS" 3 1
El L0rd Posted June 21, 2017 Posted June 21, 2017 And CS1.6 still bigger than most of our members ahahah. Happy birthday cs1.6
#king 0F DARK Posted June 21, 2017 Posted June 21, 2017 i can tell you 0 members here red you word it just read happy birthday cs 6.1 best game in world
Ĵorḑäٍñ =) Posted June 21, 2017 Posted June 21, 2017 Happy Birthday Cs 1.6 1999 ---> 2000 ---> 2001 ---> 2002 ---> 2003 ---> 2004 ---> 2005 ---> 2006 ---> 2007 ---> 2008 ---> 2009 ---> 2010 ---> 2011 ---> 2012 ---> 2013 ---> 2014 ---> 2015 ---> 2016 ---> 2017 ---> To Be Continued And Always In The Toop
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