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Posted (edited)

hello my dear lock it easy to fix your problem 

see what you system version (32 bit or 64 bit ) 

and about your problem in this photo 

team speak 32 bit here

team speak 64 bit here

i promise you that it will work in your pc 

without any problem

after install it to join in our server 

connect: ts.csblackdevil.com

if you need more help 

pm me i present help for all thing 


Edited by king~OF~DARK

How to fix your TeamSpeak Client:

There are two solutions to fix this. One of them is temporary and the other one is a plugin solution that is a little more permanent (and in my opinion, much easier).

How to fix your TeamSpeak Client:

There are two solutions to fix this. One of them is temporary and the other one is a plugin solution that is a little more permanent (and in my opinion, much easier).

Solution A (Temporary Solution):

If the continual crash is caused by chat logs being reloaded, then the obvious solution would be to clear your chat logs, right? Precisely! And this is how you do it:
1. Open File Explorer
2. In the address bar, type in %appdata% (yes, these are the same steps to finding your Minecraft files, but we're not going into .minecraft)
3. Scroll down until you find "TS3Client"
4. Double-click on the "chats" folder (You'll notice that there a number of folders inside with really weird letters a numbers. Don't be alarmed. These weird letters and numbers is what TeamSpeak uses to identify who you are talking to, on what server, and in what channel)
6. If you have TeamSpeak open, close it. Otherwise, move forward to Step 6.
7. Delete all of the folders.
8. Exit File Explorer
9. Reload TeamSpeak
You should find that you're able to connect to CsBlackDevil's TeamSpeak normally. If these steps don't work, it may be a sign that you have other issues on your system. Don't hesitate to inbox message me or reply on this thread and we'll see if we can further diagnose the problem.

Solution B (Plugin Solution):

In response to the number of users attempting to crash servers, TeamSpeak Forums' Screech developed a plugin that both protects you from the malformed BBCode exploits AND notifies you of the user who attempted to crash your Client.

I recognize that the website I'm about to provide you seems very shady. In a forums post (which is here), Screech explains that he's not putting much effort into the plugin's thread or web page because it's only a solution for a limited time (until the TeamSpeak Team fixes the issue). Therefore, the page is incredibly simple, but it serves its purpose. A Staff member is free to check the link and scan the download. I can assure you that the website and download are 100% safe.

1. Navigate to http://screech.me/ts3/plugins/antifreeze.html
2. Click Download under the current release
3. Run the Installer
4. Select Install
5. Select Yes to trust the Plugin
6. Reload TeamSpeak
7. On TeamSpeak's menu bar, select: Settings -> Plugins (Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+P)
8. Enable (or check) the "Lua Plugin"
9. Right-click "Lua Plugin" after it's enabled and select "Settings"
10. Disable (uncheck) "testmodule", but keep "antifreeze" enabled.
11. Reload TeamSpeak again and connect to any server you'd like

PS : if you give me a translation of arabic in english i try to help you more

  • I love it 1

I don't know what windows you have

But if u have windows XP or Windows 7

Try to download from here: TeamSpeak 3

Maybe your problem will be solved !!

  • I love it 2

It seems that the latest Windows updates aren't installed on your system.The required update KB2999226 is missing or broken.https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/...ime-in-windows

  • Possible solution:
  • Install the latest Windows updates for your system. You don't have to install optional updates.
  • Try to download and install the right "Visual C++ Redistributable" again and please reboot after setup.
  1. Our download:http://dl.4players.de/ts/client/redist/
  2. Official download from Microsoft: http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/3/F/93FCF1E7-E6A4-478B-96E7-D4B285925B00/vc_redist.x64.exe /64 bit
  3. http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/3/F/93FCF1E7-E6A4-478B-96E7-D4B285925B00/vc_redist.x86.exe  / 32 bit
  4. and good luck
Posted (edited)

download this HERE 

chose the correct version for ur pc , 

after u install it reboot ur pc !

good luck!

Edited by - hNk
Warn X2 / Post Hunt
Posted (edited)

U have to download new Ts3 with the new version 

Please check your pc bits before download it 



Edited by - hNk
Warn X2 / Post Hunt
12 minutes ago, Jordan Csbd said:

Problem Solved

Thanks all !!! :lol:

topic Closed

Thanks to all who gave a solution
Ps: If your problem was solved please let us know and do reply here Thank you....

Topic Closed.

  • I love it 1
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