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Neil Gorsuch: Eight things you need to know about Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee

Dani ♡

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Neil Gorsuch has been nominated by President Donald Trump for the vacant seat on the US Supreme Court. Here are eight things to know about Mr Gorsuch:

Gorsuch is a staunch conservative He is a conservative intellectual known for backing religious rights and seen as very much in the mold of Antonin Scalia, the justice he was chosen to replace. Scalia, who died on Feb 13, 2016, was praised by Gorsuch as "a lion of the law".

Gorsuch is young and could be a key figure for decades Gorsuch is 49 and could influence the high court for decades to come in what is a lifetime post. He is the youngest Supreme Court nominee since Republican President George H.W. Bush in 1991 picked Clarence Thomas, who was 43 at the time. The only Protestant on the court As an Episcopalian he would be the only Protestant on the court, which has three Jewish justices and five Catholics. Gorsuch, who is white, adds little diversity to the court compared with the justices appointed by President Barack Obama, both of whom were women, one becoming the first Latina justice. But, being from Colorado, he offers geographical diversity to a court dominated by justices from the east and west coasts.

Gorsuch's mother worked for Ronald Reagan He is the son of Anne Burford, the first woman to head the US Environmental Protection Agency. She served as Republican President Ronald Reagan's top environmental official but resigned in 1983, just 22 months into the job, amid a fight with Congress over cleaning up toxic waste dumps. She was criticised by environmentalists for cutting the agency's enforcement efforts against polluters. Gorsuch already has friends on the Supreme Court He served as a clerk for two justices including a current member of the court, the conservative Anthony Kennedy. If confirmed, he would become the first clerk to join a former boss on the Supreme Court. Gorsuch also served as a clerk for Justice Byron White, a John F. Kennedy appointee, who retired from the court in 1993. Gorsuch went to Oxford University Gorsuch completed a doctorate in legal philosophy at Oxford University. He also studied at Columbia University and, like several of the other justices on the court, Harvard Law School, where he graduated the same year as Barack Obama. The Hobby Lobby case In 2013, Gorsuch played a role in a high-profile ruling involving arts-and-crafts retailer Hobby Lobby, allowing owners of private companies to object on religious grounds to an Obamacare provision requiring employers to provide health insurance covering birth control for women. Gorsuch expressed sympathy for the choice faced by the evangelical Christian owners of the company "between exercising their faith or saving their business." Gorsuch is against government agencies interpreting the law Gorsuch believes the courts cede too much power to government agencies. He recently wrote: "There's an elephant in the room with us today. We have studiously attempted to work our way around it and even left it unremarked." He said "executive bureaucracies" were being permitted to "swallow huge amounts of core judicial and legislative power and concentrate federal power in a way that seems more than a little difficult to square with the Constitution of the framers' design. Maybe the time has come to face the behemoth."

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