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99% of Costa Rica's electricity came from renewable energy in 2015


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Costa Rica is a small country with not more than 5 million. The country has recently made headlines by operating 100% on renewable energy for 285 days.


The Costa Rican Electricity Institute(ICE) released a statement that 99% of the electricity came from renewable sources this year in 2015. Fossil fuels provided the rest 1% .


The Costa Rican government announced on March that the country had been running fully on renewable energy for the first 75 days of 2015..It also placed a target to run 97.1 percent on  geothermal, wind, biomass and solar sources for the rest of the year.


Its has become a race among countries for utilizing renewable energy to its full extent. Uruguay is another country that is generating 95% of its electricity from renewable energy. Iceland almost gets all its electricity from clean sources. Recently, Denmark generated almost 140% of its electricity demand from wind turbines.


The [CENSORED]ure of renewable energy seems promising. According to a recent analysis by the Renewable Electricity [CENSORED]ures Study , Renewable Energy Can Provide 80 Percent of U.S. Electricity by 2050. Out of the 80%, almost 49–55% of electricity could be provided by wind and solar. 

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