MAFiA1337 /A/ Posted July 16, 2015 Posted July 16, 2015 thats why i like russia and i like that guy at the end he almost kill him xd
DaNGeROuS KiLLeR Posted July 16, 2015 Author Posted July 16, 2015 thats why i like russia and i like that guy at the end he almost kill him xd I don't know why you are against those people ? If i see 2 man walking on street hands in hands i will do nothing because it's not into my business what they do in their life it's their problem I posted this to see people reaction is always negative Ugly this is also not allowed what those people says to them like that 2 people who almost want to fight with them if you think you can end it like this no you can't let people do what they want in their life and if you don't like them stay away from those people and look at your life 1
The EngiNeer Posted July 16, 2015 Posted July 16, 2015 let people do what they want in their life and if you don't like them stay away from those people and look at your life i think you drunk , or u *** ... idk this thing against the existence rules , against the god's will and against the the universe Semitic rules . if this is your opinion dani , what if (just imagine) that your brother is .... , you will upset OR stay cool and say this is his life ... !!!! come on 4
DaNGeROuS KiLLeR Posted July 16, 2015 Author Posted July 16, 2015 i think you drunk , or u *** ... idk this thing against the existence rules , against the god's will and against the the universe Semitic rules . if this is your opinion dani , what if (just imagine) that your brother is .... , you will upset OR stay cool and say this is his life ... !!!! come on And why people don't say anything when girls do the same things ? And if will talk about against rules, against god then who gives right to anyone to fight with others that they are walking hands in hands ? Who gives right to anyone that they can use bad words because they are walking hands in hands ? There are so many bad things in this world, so many bad people, to much problems why this thing is bigger ? Dude god gives everyone right to leave his life how he want, everyone has freedom to do what he want But this people decide what they will do in their life who are we to talk about bad about those people ? who are we ? It's not i like ... but i know one day when everyone will die god will punish them, we are nobody to punish them or to tell them bad words or speak bad about those people If my brother will be ... then i will give him advise but if he don't listen to me then i will tell him to leave my home and do what he want with his life, i am nobody to punish him or murder him just because he is ... 1
The EngiNeer Posted July 16, 2015 Posted July 16, 2015 There are so many bad things in this world, so many bad people, to much problems why this thing is bigger ? true we dont want to increase these bad things in this *** world ... It's not i like ... but i know one day when everyone will die god will punish them, we are nobody to punish them or to tell them bad words or speak bad about those people But this people decide what they will do in their life who are we to talk about bad about those people ? who are we ? as i remember god order us to tell the people who do wrong things to let it and do good things , am i right ?
Cunning Posted July 16, 2015 Posted July 16, 2015 i totally agree with Dangerous about this , everyone is free about his own life , does whatever he wants, just don't touch other people rights is enough, freedom for all
DaNGeROuS KiLLeR Posted July 16, 2015 Author Posted July 16, 2015 tas i remember god order us to tell the people who do wrong things to let it and do good things , am i right ? Sure you are right about this But God said we have to tell people if they are going on wrong way yes we have to tell them But we can't force them In this video or just if anyone will see this do you think they will give him adivse with good words or adivse with bad words and fighting with them And also if we give them adivse with good words who said they will listen to as ? You can give him adivse but you can't force him that is also not allowed God see that you adivse him, but most of people don't give good advise Most of people just insult them and start fighting with them that is also not allowed
Aʟ Sʜᴀᴇʀ Posted July 16, 2015 Posted July 16, 2015 Yeah it is against nature and stuff but you can't just come and force people to think the way you think, people think differently. Try giving them an advice, try telling them to consider thinking about the way they want to live their life, if this doesn't work then leave them be, you aren't the one who is going to Judge them, God is the one who is going to Judge them.
The EngiNeer Posted July 16, 2015 Posted July 16, 2015 on your strategy the whole world could go in that direction and no one will tell them where are you going ! right ? (for example) and this thing will increase and keep increases (because no one stop them by cause of freedom that you reclaim ) , if it didn't effect on you directly it will effect no your kids or generally the next generations because they born and saw it from the first moment its ok to do that , its freedom ... They must be stopped by force.. - not freedom .... They can and will live , if we stop this now , but we will limit the spread of it .
DaNGeROuS KiLLeR Posted July 16, 2015 Author Posted July 16, 2015 I don't say it's only our mistake, they also don't need to do this kind of things on street they ask for this bad words and fight if it didn't effect on you directly it will effect no your kids or generally the next generations because they born and saw it from the first moment its ok to do that , its freedom ... But about it's also depened on as how we education our childrens, if the education is good so they will not go on this way And about to stop it with force Dude in whole this world if people have time to do this then they will but in most of countrys there is war I mean with freedom they can have a life how they want But i don't say that they get so much freedom that they are kissing on street front of 100000 people This exist in Amerika, Europa, Russia here you will see this most Because they give them freedom to do this, but they must say that all this things are not allowed on streets You also know if someone will do this in our countrys what the result will be Anyway the main point is in our believe you will not see this to much so believe is also important But the people are non believer Many people says you born with this But this is not truth it's about your education and with the people you hang out Anyway this is not so big thing but in coming years we will face more bigger things But there is not always a solution
eXpLoReRs Posted July 16, 2015 Posted July 16, 2015 Im afraid to post a pic with me and Dangerous idk what will happen ? hahahahahaha 1
Pedro's Klinefelter Posted July 16, 2015 Posted July 16, 2015 i hate gays , hate who loves them too One day I will get you, and i will kiss you, there you'll see if you are homofobic, (but i guess you will like it) 2
C h i l l e a n u ' Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 Sorry for re-opening this topic but I just wanted to tell something about the video and regarding to the replies above. I'm a man who loves women, to be precise A WOMAN (my wife for 3 years) That being made clear I just want to say that i'm kinda dissapointed about some of your guys replies, being so judgmental and all. There are so many wrongs in this world and the only thing that you guys are bothered by is the relationships between gays? Try to be open minded and think that being gay isn't a choice, it's a life of a human being. Just as in some parts of the countries people marry their TREE for example. The world was created by GOD and the HUMANS too. Every individual is different, cosmic love is different in each and everyone of us, GOD made us all, either that we are straight, gay, pansexual and other things. We are all his kids. Respect every human in your life line cause that means that you show respect to yourself. Bashing people and talking trash isn't ok. Before insulting and laughing at people try to be HUMAN. Don't support violence in any form. Dangerous keep up the good work and that open mind you have! Good luck guys! And remember, respect comes from within you! 1
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