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1. Nu aveti voie sa postati o alta poza daca n-ati ghicit.
2. In caz ca cineva a postat, iar cel care a pus poza nu mai raspunde in 24 de ore, ceilalti (cei care au postat) au dreptul sa puna o poza.
3. Fara SPAM, double-posting sau OFF Topic, postati ce joc credeti ca este si va vedeti de treaba, nu comentati ce spun altii. De asemenea, aveti voie sa raspundeti abia dupa ce s-au dat minim 2-3 raspunsuri gresite. Nu trebuie ca dupa fiecare raspuns gresit sa ii spuneti respectivului ca nu a ghicit.
4. Daca in 24 de ore nu ghiceste nimeni, cel care a pus poza are posibilitatea sa-si aleaga alta.



Cineva posteaza o poza cu o secventa dintr-un joc, iar urmatorii trebuie sa ghiceasca. Cine ghiceste are dreptul sa posteze o noua poza. In caz ca cel care a postat o poza noua nu raspunde in 24 de ore cu Gresit sau Corect (in acest caz va desemna castigatorul), nimeni nu are voie sa posteze alta poza. Cine incalca aceasta regula (2) va fi sanctionat.






1. You may not post a pic if you have not guessed.
2. In case someone has posted, and the one who put the picture does not respond within 24 hours, others (those who have posted) have the right to put a picture.
3. Without SPAM, double-posting or OFF Topic, post what game do you think is nice and you see not comment on what others say. Also, you may not answer until after they have given wrong answers at least 2-3. Do not be that after every answer wrong to tell them that he had not guessed.
4. If in 24 hours not guess anybody who put the picture has the opportunity to choose another.
Someone posts a picture of a sequence of a game and the following has to guess. Guess Who is entitled to post a new picture. In case the player who posted a new picture does not respond within 24 hours with Wrong or Right (in this case will nominate the winner), no one is allowed to post another picture. Who violates this rule (2) will be warned.
Prima poza / first photo


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