Andreea Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Heii, am făcut o înregistrare pentru a dovedi concret că sunt fată.. pentru cei care au dubi că nu sunt fată, până acum concret a ştiut doar Loading Download înregistrare : 8
BuLLets Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 parerea mea nu cred ca e nevoie sa dovedesti ca esti fata sau nu , mam uitat la profilu tau si chiar esti fata 1
rusu-- Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Un motiv inutil pentru a deschide un topic.Dar trecem cu vederea , doar suntem la discutii libere. 1
What's UP Doc ? Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Nu stiu de ce mai exista dubii este fata 100%. 1
ShKoDrA Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Well interesting , aaaa just one question !!!! Why wold we need a prove from a lady that is a "lady" !? I meen , whoever set you that are not really a girl that he has his ideas and "he" [always with " ] tell that you are not a girl why wold this burn you and make you Post this !? I am just sharng my opinion and just a few questions . That i forgot What kind of privileg you think you will have showing us that you are a girl !? If i wold be you I will not care much about the opinion of the others , just to look forward in my ambition and my cause i am here . In fact to me this look kind of abusurde that you are trying to tell us that you are a girl . As the moderator set "unuseful" Topic . 2
Guest majesttisk * Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Si eu care credeam ca esti baiat ... Nu pot sa cred ca ai pierdut timpul sa faci inregistrarea. Acum pe bune chiar este atat de importanta parerea unor oameni virtuali? Tu sti ce esti mai bine decat altii deci nici eu nu vad rostul topicului. Cius! 1
ANoNNiM Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Profilul spune totul draga Andreea Nu treb sa dovedesti nmk si daca te simti jignita nu baga in seama pe acele persoane. 2
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