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ø Modalitate de contact (Y!m / Skype): b.bobbo188

ø Produs(e) scoase la vânzare:  Steam 118 jocuri

ø Preţul produsului(elor): 8-10 euro

ø Poze produs(e):  http://imgur.com/DMUAx0v

ø Metodă de plată: cod reincarcabil orange

ø Alte specificaţii: Nu dau primut




Steam-ul are următoarele jocuri:

-  Counter-strike

- Counter-strike Global Offensive

-Dota 2



-Shank 2

-Team Fortress 2

-Adventures of shuggy

-Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition

-Anomaly Warzone Earth



-Arma: Cold War Assault


Batman: Arkham Asylum Goty Edition

-Batman: Arkham City GOTY

-Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians

-Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition-


-Brutal Legend

-Burnoud Paradise: The Ultimate Box

-Chess the gathering

-Counter-strike: Condition zero

-Counter-strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes

-Crysis 2 Masimum Edition

-Darksiders II

-Dead Space

-Deus Ex:Human revolution

-Dino d-day

-Doc Clock: the Toasted Sandwich Of time

-Dota 2 test

-Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

-Dust: An Elysian Tail

-Eets Munchies


-F.E.A.R: Extraction Point

-F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate

-F.E.A.R: Project Origin

-F.E.A.R. 3


-FTL: Faster than Light

-Garry-s Mod

-Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams


-GT Power Expansion

-GTR Evolution

-Guacamelee! Gold Edition

-Guardians of Middle-earth

-The Guild II

-Gun monkeys

-Hacker Evolution Duality

-Hitman: Sniper Challenge

-Left 4 Dead 2

-Left 4 Dead Beta

-LEgend of Grimrock


-The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

-Mafia II

-Mark od the Ninja

-Medal of Honor Multiplayer

-Medal of Honor Single Player

-Metro 2033

-Mirro-s Edge


-Mortal Kombat Kollection

-Paintkiller Hell & Damnation

-Penny Arcade-s On the Rain-Slick


-Poker Night at the Inventory


-Race 07

-Race 07 - Formula RaceRoom Add-On

-Race Injection

-really big sky


-red Faction: Armageddon

-Red Orchestra 2: Heros of Stalingrad Beta

-Red Orchestra 2: heros of Stalingrad - Single player

-The Retro Expansion

-Rising Storm Beta

-Rising Storm/red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

-Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken

-Rush Bros

-Scribblenauts Unlimited

-Serious SAM HD: the first Encounter

-Serios SAM HD: the Second Encounter

-Shadow Warrior: Classic Redux

-Sid Meier-s Civilization V-

-Sniper Elite V2

-Space hack

-Spache Chem

-Spellforce 2 - Faith in Destiny

-Starseed Pilgrim


-Super Sanctum TD

-Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP

-Superfrog HD

-Supreme Commander

-Supreme Commander Forged Aliance

-Supreme Commander 2

-The Swapper

-System Shock 2

-Thomas Was Alone

-Trine 2-

-Tropico 3 - Steam Special Edition

-A Valley Without Wind

-A Valley Without Wind 2

-A Virus Named TOM

-Woodle Tree adventures

-Worm Armageddon

-Worm Blast

-Worms Crazy Golf

-Worms Pinball

-Worm ultimate Mayhem

-The WTCC 2010 Pack

-Zeno Clash
  • 4 weeks later...

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