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I am willing to create a new game modification. I would like you to help recommending me some of the features listed below.



1. A game modification name such ("Zombie Plague"), ("Zombie Outstanding") or ("Zombie Swarm"). Anything unique is appreciated.2. A list of extra items you'd appreciate. For Zombies, Survivors, Humans, Nemesis, Assassins and Snipers.3. A list of zombie classes you'd like. Also including their special effects, speed, gravity and so on...4. The color of the menus and chat messages. A menu might contain Red, White, Yellow and Gray. Chat colors are Red, Blue, Gray, Normal or Team-Color.5. A list of the V.I.P. features. Multiple Jumps, Unlimited Clip and so on...6. The admin and the V.I.P. levels. How 'd their names look like?


Also, I'd like to do it multilingual. If someone might translate from English to Spanish, Russian, German, French, Portuguese or Italian, I'd appreciate.

Any other suggestion is welcomed.


This should be done this year. I can't say anything about the month.


Thank you.

  • I love it 9

Nu recomand nimanui sa foloseasca addonsuri editate/create de tine , umbli cu lucruri necurate , nu mai e nevoie sa enumerez.



Nu incape indoiala despre reputatia ta. Ar fi ok sa fixezi un pret de 200-300 euro addons-urilor create de tine.


Nu stiu ce sti tu despre moduri de joc dar nu am precizat nimanui ca CSBD va primi sursele la addons-uri DA sau NU.

Cum poti sa faci o recomandare pozitiva sau negativa despre mine avand in vedere asta?


hey hattrick 
not only for VIPS . 
When someone buy or get free mod Survivor " Receive this new iteams "
2 Jumps 'x" 2 laser mines "double Damge " 

Sniper you can change the Sniper Skin into any horror skin. with some blood. 
when someone buy or get free mod of Sniper " Receive this New Items " 
2 .Jumps and damge 9000 " 1 bullet and zombie dead. High Speed. 

Plague Mode 
Zombie Get fast speed. ( human have free jets ) Zombie get the smoker catch System 
Zombie receive the Health on 20 Sec on all classes. 
"Zombie Mod Should zombie win it so Plague round can be for only zombies win and the Humans if are to much (skilled/Pro )
They can also win with thems owns skills. 

and chat Colore Red ( Zombie Plague Round Red Chat ) Swarm Mode ( yellow Chat ) 
maybe its usefull for u and maybe not just tryied to help u nothing more else bfl

  • I love it 1

I am willing to create a new game modification. I would like you to help recommending me some of the features listed below.

1. A game modification name such ("Zombie Plague"), ("Zombie Outstanding") or ("Zombie Swarm"). Anything unique is appreciated.2. A list of extra items you'd appreciate. For Zombies, Survivors, Humans, Nemesis, Assassins and Snipers.3. A list of zombie classes you'd like. Also including their special effects, speed, gravity and so on...4. The color of the menus and chat messages. A menu might contain Red, White, Yellow and Gray. Chat colors are Red, Blue, Gray, Normal or Team-Color.5. A list of the V.I.P. features. Multiple Jumps, Unlimited Clip and so on...6. The admin and the V.I.P. levels. How 'd their names look like?

Also, I'd like to do it multilingual. If someone might translate from English to Spanish, Russian, German, French, Portuguese or Italian, I'd appreciate.

Any other suggestion is welcomed.


This should be done this year. I can't say anything about the month.


Thank you.

Hey , Hattrick 

I hope you like my suggestion :)

1 - Mod Name "Zombie OutSeries" or "Zombie Fabolous" or "Zombie Miracolous" or "Zombie Paranormal" or "Zombie AbNormal"

2- Extra Items

Nades - 1 Explode. 2 Fire. 3 Frost.

KillBomb (For humans) = 42 Ammo

Classic Diffrent Weapons

Jetpack + Bazooka Ammo & Damage (in Hud + Chat) = 30 Ammo

Multijump x2 = 10 Ammo

Unlimited Clip = 10 Ammo

Armor + HP (100 Ap) (20 HP) = 8 Ammo

Armor + HP (200 Ap) (50 HP) = 12 Ammo

Tryder ("with 666 Ap + 666 HP + 6 Weapons") = 32 Ammo

Golden Ak47 = 42 Ammo 

Golden CrossBow = 35 Ammo

Trip Mine ( Ammo + Damage , Hud + chat ) = 6 Ammo 

Buy Survivor (Give Automaticly 1 tripmine + 3 weapons "remove Jetpack if have" ) = 180 Ammo

Buy Nemesis = 140 Ammo 

Buy Sniper (Special Skin "like alpine snipers skin" special Weapon skin + silenciator ) = 165 Ammo

Buy Assassin = 150 Ammo

Extra Zombie team

Antidote (same)

Madnnes (same)

Infection Bomb (same + limited 4 in 1 Round) = 26 Ammo

Knife Blinks (+ 5 blinks) = 10 Ammo

Buy 3 Blinks ( when 1 zombie buy this , gives all zombies +3 Blinks) = 40 Ammo

Blow Scream (Zombie make a  blow + "Scream Sound" + effect Glow in Yellow with Radius damage +ammo + when blows humans got away with a ScreenShake  "like tripmine explode" )

3 = Shop Menu (with "Ammo Packs" only cmd /shop)

God Mode = 150 Ammo (deactivated in Armagedon )

Double Damage = 60 Ammo

Buy Admin Model = 890 Ammo 

Server Slot = 300 Ammo

+1,000 HP = 45 Ammo 

+2,000 HP = 65 Ammo

Aramgedon Round = 130 Ammo 

4 - Zombie Classes (removed raptor class & addet Smoker -> effects Below)

Classic (same Details liek outstanding)

Mutant (same)

Pretador 4 (same)

Frozen (2 Jumps)

Regenerator ( regeneration Hud + Effects same )

Smoker (Hp  & Grav & Speed same as raptor + Effects = "when infect 1 human blows a little bit white smoke around + White Glow when infect someone) Abillity 3  have 3 Knife blinks.

Hunter (same)

5 - Game mode plays (Removed Assassin & Snipers , Addet Apocalypse Round) 

Normal Infection 

Nemesis (same)

Survivor ( 3 guns + 1 Tripmine "if have jetpack automatic remove" )

Sniper ( Special Skin "like alpine snipers skin" special Sniper gun Skin + option silenctiator + 1 Tripmine )

Assassin (same) 






Apocalypse ( this makes with equal percentages "Snipers & Survivors & Assassins & Nemesis & Humans & Zombies)

6 - V.I.P Features (Add Accses for Give 3 Nades every 20 seconds)

300 Hp Acces "H"

VIP Model Access "M"

50 Ap Access "A"

Increased Damage Access "D"

Multijump x3 Access "J"

Unlimited Clip Accses "U"

3 Nades Every 20 Sec Accses "N"

Show Spec (Gold Member @) Acces "G"

7 = Messages HUD and Chat

Every Item Bought Show Message who Bought in  HUD !

Advertising HUD & Chat messages like Outstanding

8 = Admin Tag's 

Add Option to make Tags With ColorChat like this [ CsBlackDevil ]


  • I love it 3

I think it would be a totally cool and crazy one server with levels for weapons and zombies and classes with many different abilities (also with levels).


Hello claudiu


1.I suggest you make a mod called *Zombie Hybrid * * Zombie extinction* *Zombie evolution* or *Zombie Plague 7.0* .

2. For humans : same extra items as zombie outsanding only remove kill grenade . 
3. Classic ZM / Hunter / Regenerator / Raptor / Frozen / Mutant  these have the same abilities as zp 6.0 the new one : Ghost Zombie : Goes invisible for 10 seconds after he infects someone and has same abilities as hunter 
4. The color of the menus : exactly like zm outstanding only 
[*Admins*] [*Player*]  for team_say .
5. For VIP add White model like zm outstanding ,Double jump , extra ammo , laser and 100 armor every round and 300 hp but make it optional ( make it possible to disactivate VIP on addones ) 
6. Admins : Owner , Co-Owner , Elder, God , Semi-God , Moderator , Administrator , Helper , Slot


   And VIP levels : Gold Member : all the [CENSORED]ures as VIP in zm outstanding )


                            Silver Member : 250 hp no double jump  extra ammo and no laser rays and 50 armor every round


Alsow Game play Mods : all like zm outstanding but 1 extra mod : Hybrid Mod .. the player who buys this mod gets Hybrid Zombie its like nemesis or assasin only that hybrid is invisible ..... has 20 000 hp and has to kill all humans 


alsow need to change hps for all the mods ( assains vs sniper ; armageddon ; Nightmare ; Plague ) and add multijumps to nemesis and assasin and fix all bugs from zm outstanding 


PS : Take zp 6.0 as a start and devellop it    we will talk on steam 


i can help you with translaition in Russian language


Nu recomand acest individ. Umblă să facă numai rău. Are ascunse multe comenzi în addonsul lui de zombie (OUTSTANDING). În orice caz eu am fixurile :)


The newer Zombie Modification add-on is 8% done.

What's new?

* MetaMod linkage is completely done and functions are hooked.

* Player and global classes are initiated.

* GeoIP2 MMDB Geographical C++ Database has been included in order to retriever correct user country and city.

* SQLite (local database system) has been included to store players' stats locally.

* MySQL (remote database system) has been included and it will be optional if the customer is going to use a web site displaying players' stats. Web stats having GameTracker(tm) style will be available in the sold package.

* RegEx (Regular Expressions) feature has been included. This will validate IP addresses and Steam IDs. A valid IP address show be like [0-255.0-255.0-255.0-255].

* User messages such SayText, TextMsg, ServerName and more have been registered.

* Function 'loadSetting' has been created. The add-on will use a file named 'Zombie[Top Secret Name Until Done].Configurations.INI' so you can configure a lot of settings inside, including zombies' name and health.

* Useless map entities remover has been completely created. Lots of useless entities will be removed for increasing server's and clients' FPS especially when the game server is heavily loaded.


I will keep you up to date as the progress evolves.




Voi celor care ati scris mesajele in limba romana, chiar nu va puteti abtine? Ati inteles macar ce am scris? Nu am deschis subiectul pentru a vinde nimic, in cazul in care nu ati observant. Cer doar niste pareri in legatura cu noul mod.

Daca chiar nu ma recomandati, din nu stiu ce motive, probabil o sa fiti uimiti cand CSBD va beneficia de aceste servicii iar Seth va prepara toate serverele Zombie ale comunitatii indeplinind criteriile impuse de el. Ce spuneti daca Seth va avea codul sursa si va pune la punct serverele comunitatii? Il considerati si pe el la fel?

Intr-adevar, sper ca acum veti intelege motivul subiectului. Am nevoie de pareri ale utilizatorilor CSBD, in special de la strainii care joaca foarte mult pe serverele Zombie. Si nu va mai legati de acest subiect, tot ce tine de CSBD - Zombie va fi manevrat de Seth.


Multumesc pentru citirea mesajului.

  • I love it 4
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About this:

2. A list of extra items you'd appreciate. For Zombies, Survivors, Humans, Nemesis, Assassins and Snipers.

I have some suggestions:







  • Knives [Multi-Jump / Extra-DMG / Speed] (For humans)
  • Special armors [100 AP / 150 AP / 200 AP / ETC.]
  • No Recoil
  • Multi Jump
  • Special guns [ M5 Two Hands / Grenade trower / Fire trower]




Special classes for humans with different kits

  • Sniper - AWP/DGL/Grenades/Armor
  • Gunner - Choose primary weapon/DGL/Grenades/Armor
  • Medic - Can heal/DGL/Armor] / Like classes for zombies.



This is all for now.I'll post later another suggestions.Good luck.


Only For Vip.



  • 300 Hp 
  • 3 Nades Every 20 Sec 
  • 100 armor every round
  • Increased Damage 
  • VIP Model 
  • Multijump x3(4) 
  • Unlimited Clip 
  • Show Spec (Gold Member / Vip Simple @) 
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