Loading Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 Valve has a great reputation as a game developer for a number of reasons. Half-Life is probably the number one product everyone associates with the company, although the Steam digital games service is also very high profile now. But if you enjoy your multiplayer FPS games, then your number one Valve product has to be Counter-Strike. It was originally released as a mod in June 1999, but then got a retail release over a year later in November 2000. Since then it has seen multiple updates with major versions including 1.6, Condition Zero, Source, and the most recently announced Global Offensive. During this decade+ period, tweaks have been made, but the core gameplay has remained pretty much the same. The most noticeable update? The evolution of the environments, or maps as they are more commonly known. de_train for CS:1.6 / CS:S and CS:GO The differences between all versions of Counter-Strike: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o495tVAAgyg de_dust2 from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive If you’ve been a regular player since Counter-Strike first appeared, you’ve probably only noticed the map changes when upgrading between versions, and it’s easy to forget how basic your favorite levels used to look. With the Global Offensive launch slated for early next year, the maps are set to get their biggest visual update yet. They show transitions of the maps de_dust and de_dust2 from 1.6 right through to Global Offensive, and you can see them both below. As someone who started playing Counter-Strike when it first got released, it’s surprising to see how much has changed with the look of the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V34_aJ2pVZc#t=30 33
andersonn - Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 The counter strike has greatly improved both graphics, sounds, etc., but I prefer cs 1.6 :3 Good post.
Pedro's Klinefelter Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 CS 1.6 stills being my best of all. The best CS players are because of the 1.6, the most difficult version. 1
Bogdan A Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 i have been experince in all kind of game's but the most hard and super game is Counter Strike which never get end Bravo Loading
Tn #GoDLiKe Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 I like all Counter Strkesi But 1.6 Is the best
Adrian Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 "Counter-strike 1.6 face parte din copilăria noastră şi niciodată nu o să moară. Păcat că PGL a scos 1.6 şi a băgat CS:GO. Păcat că CS 1.6 a dispărut din competiţiile internaţionale." Mi-au dat lacrimile cand am vazut acest video. 9
mEd Null Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 i try all counter strike ( source , Zero , Global , 1.6 ) and the best of all still 1.6 cause of graphique keep up Loading
GoDLiK3 Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 Mie i-mi place cel mai mult cs 1.6 , Celelalte csuri sunt misto dar nu se compara cu 1,6. Eu am crescut cu cs 1.6 si ma distram ft mult de cate ori ma jucam. Chiar si azi joc si o sal mai joc mult timp. Jocul asta nu o sa moara niciodata vorba lui Adrian si videoul e ft emotionant si mie miau dat lacrimile cand lam vazut pe bune.
Dilly-Bau-Bau. Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 Nimic nu se compara cu cs 1.6, cum zice si GoDLiK3 cu asta am crescut. E ca si cum te gandesti la Super Mario si il compari cu celelalte versiuni, parca le lipseste ceva )
akN Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 Buna seara, din intamplare am descoperit acest topic facut de Loading si m-am decis sa las si eu un comentariu.Counter-Strike-ul a evoluat foarte mult in materie de gaming, grafica, deci multora nu le convin sa se lase de versiunea veche acestui joc fiind 1.6, dar versiunea Global offensive este mult mai buna. In ce consta mult mai buna? Am sa va raspund, deci grafica este mult mai performanta, noi modele, noi harti, noi skinuri ..etc.Prin urmare v-as recomanda sa incercati si aceasta versiune Global Offensive si sincer nu cred ca o sa fiti dezamagiti. Or english version. Hello, I accidentally discovered this topic Loading done and I decided to leave myself a comment.Counter-Strike has evolved a lot in terms of gaming, the graphics, so many do not agree to leave the version old this game is 1.6, but Global Offensive version is much better. In what much better? I have to answer, so graphics performance is more, new models, new maps, new skins .. etc. There I would recommend you try this version Global Offensive and frankly I do not think you will be disappointed. 1
JoKeR-™ @ CSBD Posted April 25, 2014 Posted April 25, 2014 so many memories, as time goes on ...! . More years pass and PC games become more and more real. but will always be the best Counter Strike 1.6
KENZO. Posted May 25, 2014 Posted May 25, 2014 Evolutia e uimitoare .. o schimbare totala in materie de design! Po[CENSORED]rea serverelor de CS:GO e o chestiune de timp , peste 1-2 ani serverele de CS:GO v-or fi in nr. mult mai mare! Totusi, CS 1.6 va ramane mereu in sufletul nostru!
RisK Posted May 31, 2014 Posted May 31, 2014 Fabulos , s-a schimbat mult cs-ul si csgo e cel mai faimos si cel mai frumos.
d3v0uTT™ Posted May 31, 2014 Posted May 31, 2014 Sincer, este o schimbare radicala de la 1.6 la GO. CS:GO o sa fie cele mai populate in urmatorii ani.
Xpert™ Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 Yes, very impressive. The world is replenished, and along with this, it is modernized and Counter-Strike.
smylle up Posted June 6, 2014 Posted June 6, 2014 sunt si cele lalte cs frumoase dar am crescut cs 1.6 si nu vom uita am jucat si cs surv dar mia placut mai tare 1.6
Mr.b!L@L Posted July 13, 2014 Posted July 13, 2014 CS 1.6 stills being my best of all. The best CS players are because of the 1.6, the most difficult version.
Unniv3RsaL Posted July 14, 2014 Posted July 14, 2014 i have been experince in all kind of game's but the most hard and super game is Counter Strike which never get end Bravo Loading
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