So,since server got this VIP System,it'd be the best to have a Free VIP Time ( 02 - 06 ) with simple flags.
A lot of players would stay & i'm sure players from other zp6.2 servers would join here first.
To balance the server at this time,i'd suggest 150 hp / 100 armor to humans & an extra 2000 hp to zombies.
These can be done easily & it'll be very effective.
Also,a HUD at the bottom indicating that the FreeVIP is active would be perfect :
The last thing is about the skins. The idea is to keep it simple & i'd strongly suggest not to have a special skin for VIP Players. Instead,just adding them the devil horns & tail to their actual skin (either simple / admin / girl skin ) to indicate their Membership.
I'd say that NewLifeZM should give this a shot & i'm sure it'll not be a dissapointment.
About the two last pictures,check the horns & the tail only which are additional to the actual skin*
I wish you boys the best.