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  1. ¤ Name in game : [D]@RKNES ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Name : Jeorge ¤ City : ¤ County : Caracas ¤ Favorite Games : CS:GO , Cs 1.6 , FootBall ¤ A short description about you : - ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : I find by my self ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : StreetZM , NewLifeZM , ZmOldSchool , ThunderZM , ShadowsZM ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): -
  2. ¤ Name in game : The.Seeker ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Name : Khalid. Alkam ¤ City : Sarajevo ¤ County : Bosnia and Herzegovina ¤ Favorite Games : Cs 1.6 & Crysis 3 & Assassin Creed 2 ¤ A short description about you : I don't know about this but talk to me and you know about me. ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : No.. one i find it my self ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : I think here's good is NewLifeZM & StreetZM & ThunderZM & ZmOldSchool I like All ZombieServers. ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): -
  3. ¤ Name in game : Unkn0wN- ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Name : CoS-ClAn ¤ City : Pulza ¤ County : Bosnia & Harzegovina ¤ Favorite Games : Cs 1.6 , CS:GO , Battle Feild 3 ¤ A short description about you : I am Unkn0wN- Help me in skype! ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : My Freind tell me RevO ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : hmm, NewLifeZM , ZmOldSchool But i dont like Zp Servers ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): Nope..
  4. ¤ Name in game : DemonDassie ¤ Age : 15 ¤ Name : Jorge ¤ City : Ciudad del Este ¤ Country : Paraguay ¤ Favorite Games : Cs 1.6 and GTA V Online ¤ A short description about you : humble, good, happy, someone who likes to help, i like to be with friends and have always loved any kind of game ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : By NewLife server, looking for Gametracker ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : ThunderZM ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
  5. ¤ Name in game : ArmyOfDevilz -| EvO ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Name : Samuel ¤ City : Racoon ¤ Country : Romanian ¤ Favorite Games : CS 1.6 & CS:GO ¤ A short description about you : I have ArmyOfDevilz and i am EvOluTioN- ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : my freind told me his name RevO.# PGL ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : PERFECTZM because i like zm-out server and its from them ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): nope!
  6. ¤ Name in game :Empty ¤ Age :17 ¤ Name :Orges ¤ City :Rrogozhina ¤ County :Albania ¤ Favorite Games :CS , Zombie Plague ¤ A short description about you :idk ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil :from shadowszm..they tell me for forum ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : (ShadowsZm , The best server in this community) ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
  7. ¤ Name in game : R.O.S ¤ Age : 16 ¤ Name : ahmed ¤ City : egypt ¤ County : cario ¤ Favorite Games : Cs 1.6
  8. ¤ Name in game : TiNiMiNiT ¤ Age : 20 ¤ Name : omar ¤ City : - ¤ County : - ¤ Country : - ¤ Favorite Games : Cs 1.6
  9. ¤ Name in game : [H]@CKE[R]- ¤ Age : 17 ¤ Name : Roon ¤ City : Ciolpani ¤ County : Romania ¤ Favorite Games : Cs 1.6 ¤ A short description about you : Knowing Server Crashing ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : hmm, dont want to tell xD ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : I think NewLifeZM is good here ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): Nope!
  10. ¤Name in game : NiGHT--RiDeR ¤ Age : 14 ¤ Name : Ali Abbas ¤ City : Quetta ¤ Country : Pakistan ¤ Favorite Games : Cricket,Dota and Cs 1.6 ¤ A short description about you : Funny and Talkative ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : With Furien.CsBlackDevil.com ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : Furien.CsBlackDevil and Furien2.CsBlackDevil.com ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): Impossible!!
  11. ¤ Name in game : mr.bombastic vip ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Name : Jan ¤ City : Prague ¤ County :Prague ¤ Country : Czech Republic ¤ Favorite Games : World of Tanks, Counter-Strike 1,6 ,MassEffect 3 ,Arma III, Mafia I,II,Seafight ¤ A short description about you : I came from enemy community (CSO) because i was unhappy with their owner (adytzasfantuu) ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : I knew CSBD for long time but i have friends here. ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : ZmPalestine ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
  12. ¤ Name in game : ::shk:: ¤ Age : 27 ¤ Name : Shekhar ¤ City : Mumbai ¤ County : India ¤ Favorite Games : Sorry Guys I Quit Everything... ¤ A short description about you : Very Much Disturb from Life..... ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : I don't think I need to answer this ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : ~~~~~~ No Gaming ~~~~~~ ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): For this you have to visit this https://www.facebook.com/shekhar.salunke.7906
  13. ¤ Name in game :VerSii/N_FloW and other names too ¤ Age :18 ¤ Name :Martin ¤ City :Stockholm ¤ County :- ¤ Country :Sweden ¤ Favorite Games :COD:Ghost CS 1.6 CS:GO and etc ¤ A short description about you :party boy love girls and dont care about nothing ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil :Befoure dere was a Respawn server long time ago from dere i know about CSBD ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) :Csdm-CSDM/Zmoldschool ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):i am ugly its better for all do not put
  14. ¤ Name in game : T w i s t ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Name : Sameer ¤ City : Islamabad ¤ County :- ¤ Country : Pakistan ¤ Favorite Games : CS 1.6 / ZOMBIE Server's ¤ A short description about you : I'm Muslim / I Love Allah : )) / I'm a Good Person : )) ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : From Javed <3 ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
  15. ¤ Name in game : [D]@R[K]--[N]ES ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Real Name : George ¤ City: Lara ¤ Country : Venezuela ¤ Favorite Games : Counter-Strike 1.6 | CS:GO | ETC. ¤ A short description about you : Have a Great and Funny Behaviour With all. ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : My Freind tell me his name : IDF Israel ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : -Nothing ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): Nope i Can't gave here i can gave u to Skype!
  16. ¤ Name in game : Silence ¤ Age : 22 ¤ Name : Qamber ¤ City : Braila ¤ County :- ¤ Country : Romania ¤ Favorite Games : CS 1.6 / WAR / GTA 4 ¤ A short description about you : I am a good Person and want to help all staff of csblackdevil ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : Javed <3 ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : PalestineZM.CsBlackDevil.Com ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
  17. ¤ Name in game : ReD-BuLL- ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Name : Luis ¤ City : Bacau ¤ County : Romania ¤ Favorite Games : Counter Strike Global Offencive ¤ A short description about you : great and funny behavior with all ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : my freind tell me his name : Jaguar -xxx ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : all server's r best + csblackdevil also best ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): nope me dont have any good picture xD
  18. ¤ Name in game : Madnour ¤ Age : 30 ¤ Name : nourddine ¤ City : Djelfa ¤ County : ¤ Country : Algeria ¤ Favorite Games : last battle , counter strike ¤ A short description about you : normal person ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : RaMiRaZ tell me ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : all server's ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):--


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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