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  1. ¤ Numele tău în joc: Steliano21 ¤ Adresa Skype, Steam: Steliano21 ¤ Cîți ani ai?: 27 ¤ Limbi pe care le poți vorbi: Romana si Engleza ¤ Locația ta: Timisoara / Romania ¤ Experiență ca administrator: Am fost cand jucam in liceu, acum vreo 10 ani ¤ Puteți rămâne spectator sau să jucați între aceste ore (22:00 - 12:00): Da, dar nu mereu, in functie de job ¤ Link de ore pe care le-ați jucat pe server (opțional): https://www.gametracker.com/player/Steliano21/ ¤ Motivul pentru care doriți să fiți administrator: Daca tot ma joc destul de des, as putea sa ajut comunitatea serverului. ¤ Ai citit regulamentul?: Sunt de acord sa respect
  2. ¤ Numele tău în joc: Steliano21 ¤ Adresa Skype, Steam: Steliano21 ¤ Cîți ani ai?: 27 ¤ Limbi pe care le poți vorbi: Romana si Engleza ¤ Locația ta: Timisoara / Romania ¤ Experiență ca administrator: Am fost cand jucam in liceu, acum vreo 10 ani ¤ Puteți rămâne spectator sau să jucați între aceste ore (22:00 - 12:00): Da, dar nu mereu, in functie de job ¤ Link de ore pe care le-ați jucat pe server (opțional): https://www.gametracker.com/player/Steliano21/ ¤ Motivul pentru care doriți să fiți administrator: Daca tot ma joc destul de des, as putea sa ajut comunitatea serverului. ¤ Ai citit regulamentul?: Da
  3. Nick: Steliano Real name: Stelescu Robert How old are you?: 27 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): Counter-Strike 1.6 since I was in highschool, over 10 years (nostalgic player) Where are you from?(country and city): Romania - Timisoara Describe yourself(at least 50 words): Hi, my name is Stelescu Robert, I am an old nostalgic player of ZM/ZP Cs 1.6, and I rediscovered recently again, first love, the game, I am playing for fun, while my wife is studying for her medicine studies :)) I tought if I play, maybe I could help the Server also, thank you in advance! Note some of your qualities: Familist guy with life experience, serious. Tell us some of your defects: I have some fixes that can bothers Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): Simple Admin on a zm server, years ago On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): Only ZM and Zp Which category/project you want to care off?: VGame Reviewers , Journalists , Guardians Of Gaming . How well you speak english?(and other languages): (and other languages): English 8/10 , Romanian 10/10 Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: No, I don't use, and I have a microphone For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): I would say 3-4 days per week Contact methods: FB . instgram Last request:


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