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  1. Read Rules , Find Hidden Words Active Player Pro from me 😄
  2. Model [RO]: Titlu topic: [ CSGO ] - Banlist admin "Nume" Nume: IP și SteamID: Data și ora: Perioada: Motiv: Dovezi(Demo/Video/Poze): Alte informații: În Ban List se doar ban-urile permanente se pun. Dovezile precum X a fost pe server sau Nu se salvează pozele nu se acceptă. Model [EN]: Topic title: [ CSGO ] - Ban List "Name" Name: IP and SteamID: Date and hour: Time: Reason: Proof(Demo/Video/Photos): Additional information: Only permanent bans are posted in a banlist. Proofs such as X was on the server or My photo's aren't saving are not accepted.
  3. Supreme Commander Bmw e63 =NoV=
  4. Nickname: Sancțiune / Sanction: Durată de sancțiune / Sanction duration: Motiv / Reason: Dovadă / Proof: !!! În acest topic doar rangurile de Owner / Fondator au voie să posteze. !!! In this topic, only the Owner / Founder ranks are allowed to post.
  5. ꧁༒☬ A⋆t⋆r⋆i⋆b⋆u⋆t⋆i⋆i⋆ ⋆G⋆r⋆a⋆d⋆e ☬༒꧂ 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: @Bmw e63 Responsabilitate principala: Administrare generala + incasare donatii / vanzare iteme&vip&admine Responsabilitate secundara: @NoV Responsabilitate principala: Administrator General/ Training admini/Campanie Discord/Adaugare skin/MVP/Cereri Unban/Admini/Reclamatii/Adaugare Admini/Slot/VIP/Testari Admini Responsabilitate secundara: Campanie Promotii
  6. Nickname: Grad vechi / Old rank: Grad nou / New rank: Motiv / Reason: Toate degradările se dau pentru inactivitate server, forum, cât și alți factori ce pot influența adminul acestuia. !!! În acest topic doar rangurile de Owner / Fondator au voie să posteze. All degradations occur due to inactivity on the server or forum, as well as other factors that can influence its administration. !!! In this topic, only the Owner / Founder ranks are allowed to post.
  7. Nickname: Grad vechi / Old rank: Grad nou / New rank: Motiv / Reason: Toate măririle se dau pentru activitate, promovare, împlicare cât și alți factori ce pot influența adminul acestuia. !!! În acest topic doar rangurile de Owner / Fondator au voie să posteze. All promotions are given for activity, promotion, involvement, as well as other factors that can influence its administration. !!! In this topic, only the Owner / Founder ranks are allowed to post.


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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