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Manager CS 1.6
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About Renglus

  • Birthday 09/26/2002


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Explorer (5/14)

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  1. #REJECTED Stop making more admin request posts, that won't make us want to give you admin. Wait a week and apply with all the requirements fulfilled.
  2. #Rejected No activity in server, nor could we find your actual game tracker link. You're too young, and you seem to lack english communication skills.
  3. CONTRA Okay activity, but too much AFK For me, you're too young and seem immature, just seeking admin for its role not for its responsibility
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  5. #Rejected As what hachem stated, he was AFK and DVRK put LM on him. El Papa did the right thing, and the accused (DVRK) has been warned before.
  6. #Rejected Follow the model. You didn't put your gametracker link, and wrong admin password as well. Check how other players posted.
  7. Accepted. Contact me on discord
  8. #Accepted DM me on discord.
  9. #Rejected Follow the proper application model, and have the hours required to be able to apply. You can apply again after meeting these requirements.
  10. #Accepted Contact me on discord.
  11. CONTRA You don't have presence in the server Most of the times you seem AFK Your english could use improvement Reason for being admin is unoriginal
  12. Accepted. DM me on discord.
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