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Davi Marinho

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Everything posted by Davi Marinho

  1. Model:- ¤ Your Nickname: {-HellBoY-} ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: No have ¤ Age (You must have or higher than 17 years):20 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak:English ¤ Your Location: Brasil ¤ Experience As Admin: I have Esperance since 2018 ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM): Yeah ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname):https://www.gametracker.com/player/{-HellBoY-}/ https://www.gametracker.com/player/kill/ https://www.gametracker.com/player/free/ ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I was an administrator, I didn't play for a few days, I wanted my patent again, I have more than 2k hours ¤ Other Information For Your Request: I was good administrator
  2. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name: Action! ¤ Date and time:17:40h 26/04/2023 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):I https://imgur.com/qFN9npX https://imgur.com/EDn5R4Q ¤ Reason of complaint: I was playing with my bot name, my name in spec, admin gave me slay afk NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  3. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name:K!LLeR ¤ Date and time:02/04/2023 05:35h ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/thhqRe7 ¤ Reason of complaint: Admin RR.KPD NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  4. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name: A Z[3]AR ¤ Date and time:21:35 12/03/2023 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/fsGOL0h https://imgur.com/6e3kvax ¤ Reason of complaint: Admin Didn't Attack Before 2 Minutes In Survivor Mod NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  5. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name: K!LLER ¤ Date and time: 21;31h 12/03/2023 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/F4SkeYw https://imgur.com/QEiDQT7 ¤ Reason of complaint: admin and player Giving free to each other NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  6. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name: .::LmbE::. ¤ Date and time:21:55h 22/02/2023 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/ci9lAv1 ¤ Reason of complaint:Admin RR.Kpd NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  7. ¤ Your Nickname: {-HellBoY-} ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: ¤ Link of Hours you played on server (Click herehttps://www.gametracker.com/player/{-HellBoY-}/ ¤ Current rank: Elder
  8. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name: PaPet ¤ Date and time:06/01/2023 17:56h ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/ykeVAQq ¤ Reason of complaint:RR.kpd is Bad admin NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  9. @Ezel
  10. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name:Abo_Lahab ¤ Date and time:12:04. 11/12/2022 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): ¤ Reason of complaint:Admin No Attack Next 2 Minut NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  11. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name:Fant1k ¤ Date and time:18:50 08/12/2022 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/jW9BbDc https://imgur.com/8Pl6wv9 ¤ Reason of complaint:Admin rr Kpd NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  12. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name: .::LmbE::. ¤ Date and time:18:48h 08/12/2022 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/94o2pNp https://imgur.com/94o2pNp ¤ Reason of complaint:Admin no attack next 2 minut NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint
  13. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name:Abo_Lahab ¤ Date and time:12/04/2022 21:03h ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/ySg6Ehh ¤ Reason of complaint:Admin user commands in other admin NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  14. @Ezel
  15. bad admin, you not respect rules. and still insulting the other player. https://imgur.com/QCU3dR9
  16. ¤ Your Nickname: {-HellBoY-} ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: ¤ Link of Hours you played on server (Click here https://www.gametracker.com/player/{-HellBoY-}/ https://www.gametracker.com/player/H.e.l.l.B.o.Y/, https://www.gametracker.com/player/H.e.l.l/ ¤ Current rank: super moderator
  17. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name: abo 7asn ¤ Date and time:31/10/2022 19:25h ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/NzJgo3R ¤ Reason of complaint:Admin Slay no reason and block NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  18. I don't know because this guy is an admin, he doesn't know how to use commands right
  19. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name: .::LmbE::. ¤ Date and time:27/10/2022 17:01 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/vZ7YGAE https://imgur.com/9WqgGt2 https://imgur.com/l3LHk6k ¤ Reason of complaint:After 2 minutes admin Jok.eR gave Freeze, But Admin .::LmbE::. Remove The Freeze NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  20. ¤ Your name:{-HellBoY-} ¤ Claimed Admin name: K!LLeR ¤ Date and time:25:10:2022 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/JxuNV3v ¤ Reason of complaint: The Admin didn't attack or freeze my Survivor mod, 2 minutes had passed NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
  21. ¤ Your Nickname: {-HellBoY-} ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: ¤ Link of Hours you played on server (Click here https://www.gametracker.com/player/{-HellBoY-}/ https://www.gametracker.com/player/H.e.l.l.B.o.Y/ https://www.gametracker.com/player/H.e.l.l/ ¤ Current rank: Moderator
  22. He Have Admin Suspended, Is Bad Admin, No Respect The Rules
  23. Your nick:{-HellBoY-} Your ip ( http://www.iptest.ro😞 Your STEAMID:STEAM_0:1:703888359 The reason you have been banned:I was destroid, I think there was a misunderstanding, because I don't use Hack The admin who banned you:{!AMRO!} The time: Permanety Destroy Your proofs (screenshot of your console):https://imgur.com/IMz9xj8 https://imgur.com/dVQPSwZ https://imgur.com/uFgY275
  24. Your nick:{-HellBoY-} Your ip ( http://www.iptest.ro😞 Your STEAMID:STEAM_0:0:0 The reason you have been banned:I gave ban without reason The admin who banned you:RoBo_MaN The time:I don't know the time Your proofs (screenshot of your console):https://imgur.com/B5GYuTG
  25. ¤ Your Nickname: {-HellBoY-} ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: ¤ Link of Hours you played on server (Click here https://www.gametracker.com/player/{-HellBoY-}/ https://www.gametracker.com/player/H.e.l.l.B.o.Y/ https://www.gametracker.com/player/H.e.l.l/ ¤ Current rank: Administrador


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