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  1. ¤ Your name: gzuz ¤ Name of the administrator who abused: NO MERCY ¤ Reason for report: infection bomb to last human , he didn t know the rules and is not first time doing that ¤ Date/Time: 05.01.2023 16:07 Proof:
  2. ¤ Your name: gzuz ¤ Name of the administrator who abused: BOUHA DZ ¤ Reason for report: he didn t know rules and use comand on admin ¤ Date/Time: 30.12.2022 19:02 ¤ Proof:
  3. don t be rude bro, just do your job well and don t act like is your sv and you are the boss, cause you are not the boss , good luck and play well , next time if you change map without asking i will report you again kiss and hugs
  4. ¤ Your name: gzuz ¤ Name of the administrator who abused: [Ty]M@g0k1l3r ¤ Reason for report: he get in the sv and he change map without asking , he change in his favorite map ¤ Date/Time: 29.12.2022 21:35 ¤ Proof:
  5. ¤ Your name: gzuz ¤ Name of the administrator who abused: NO MERCY ¤ Reason for report: human mod at night ¤ Date/Time: 16.12.22 23:40 ¤ Proof:
  6. ¤ Your name: gzuz ¤ Name of the administrator who abused: -Koss ¤ Reason for report: human mod at night, and he made him self not buying mod i never use that comand in 7 months , who make this guy MODERATOR???? ¤ Date/Time: 11.12.2022 22.24 time ¤ Proof:
  7. ¤ Your name: gzuz ¤ Name of the administrator who abused: [Ty]M@g0k1l3r ¤ Reason for report: he buyed 2 mods in one map ! ¤ Date/Time: 11.12.2022 Time 18.12 ¤ Proof:
  8. Your nickname: gzuz Your current grade: Administrator (i was semi-elder before ) Your decision (Retirement / Absence): Absence Time period: 11 days The reason: honeymoon
  9. ¤ Your name: gzuz ¤ Claimed Admin name: Dr.Strange ¤ Date and time: 30.09.2022 time 23 08 ¤ Reason of complaint: human mod at night , and is not the first time ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://ibb.co/Yym8YJt
  10. ¤ Your name: gzuz ¤ Claimed Admin name: NiTi ¤ Date and time: 01 39 time ¤ Reason of complaint: Human mod night ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://ibb.co/VjTjx8r
  11. √ Nick: gzuz √ Grade : Semi-elder √ Country : Romania √ City : Cluj Napoca √ Your ip address (click to find out what your address is) : √ Wi-Fi : Yes
  12. I was zombie afk , and this guy just slapped me 3 times , more admins soo that and artisan seen to and he warn him , but he don t understand , and what i say there it means -shut up i was smoking a tigarete- i don t no who is this guy i never seen o server but i propose to remove him for abouse , and he didn t know the rules . Thanks !!!!!!
  13. salut domnu, pe cand imi bagi vipul? scuze daca te stresez

  14. Hy, i want to propose something about the infection bomb, because the players are abouse and i can t play like that, so i propose only 3 infection bomb/ round. Thank you! gzuz
  15. gzuz

    Registration gzuz

    √ Nick: gzuz √ Grade : Moderator √ Country : Romania √ City : Cluj Napoca √ Your ip address (click to find out what your address is) : √ Wi-Fi : Yes
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